Chapter 99

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That same evening Minji was sitting down at the side of the arena, looking at some papers. She sighed, dropping her head in her hands and shaking it. Why was everything going wrong? When she started this plan to go against the Nightshades she knew it would be difficult, but this was way worse than she expected.

First the whole Red Lotus breakout, then Elkie happened, they got to know about Solise and Nara and now Bora was injured. It was as if everything that could happen to delay it happened, week after week.

She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't even notice Yoohyeon had walked to the arena. She sat down beside Minji and placed a cup of blood in front of Minji and one of coffee beside it. She gently took the papers away from her girlfriend's hands and put them back down.

"You need a break, babe" the hunter said with a smile, knowing that the leader was overworking herself.

"It's awful, Pup. Nothing is going to plan" Minji sighed, turning towards her. "But I'll gladly take a Yoohyeon break"

"I know how you feel... It's just like everything is going against our plan" Yoohyeon replied, nodding her head.

"I mean it's just giving us more time to prepare but... at the same time they could also be doing things"

Yoohyeon nodded her head, picking up one of the papers Minji was reading.

"Siyeon wrote this, right?" she asked with a smile "It's not like you to write down things that worry you"

"Yeah it's Singnie's" Minji replied, sneakily taking one of the papers from the stack and putting it under her butt.

"So... she thinks the same thing you thought, after Elkie happened" Yoohyeon stated, reading something Siyeon wrote. "You were Elkie's target but the Nightshades wanted to make Siyeon snap for some reason. Probably to release Silver Wrath"

"Well they succeeded. That part of her got activated during that period" the older woman sighed. "I'm happy nothing bad happened with that"

"I'm happy about that as well" Yoohyeon replied, taking a blank page and writing something on it.

"What are you writing, pup?" Minji asked, peeking over her shoulder.

"Good things that happened because of the bad ones?" Yoohyeon replied, scratching her head with the pen. "Siyeon snapped but we were lucky because Yubin was reading the book Siyeon gave her and she understood what was going on. Then Nara was 'activated', as you said... but she's not as crazy as Red Lotus... so that's good"

"And I think the good things end there huh?" The vampire said, resting her head on Yoohyeon's shoulder.

"Well... let's see what other bad things Siyeon wrote down. Jiwoo possibly being with the Nightshade? You told her that?" Yoohyeon whispered, turning to Minji.

"I did. She was a good friend of both of us and Singnie noticed I was stressed"

"I'm still sure it's not her, working with the Nightshades but... If it is her, what are you going to do?" Yoohyeon asked in a whisper.

"Then I'll find out if she is there by will or by force and based on that decide my actions. But let's just keep the thought that it isn't her for now"

"Okay. Now... to see if I can find other good things, I need to see what other negative things Siyeon noted down... and to do that, I will need the paper you put under your cute butt, babe" Yoohyeon said, looking in Minji's eyes.

"You noticed?" Minji blushed, finding it funny she called her butt cute. "Well uhm... those aren't Siyeon's notes"

"Of course I noticed. You are training me to see things that usually go unnoticed, right?" Yoohyeon smiled "Are those your notes? Can I read them?"

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