Chapter 95

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The morning after Gahyeon and Yubin walked back to the vampires' place, both of them having a major headache. As soon as they arrived they took a painkiller and the pink haired vampire decided to go straight back to bed while Yubin went there to practice a little bit on her own, before her training with Siyeon in the afternoon. She had thought about skipping it because she didn't want to see the blonde vampire today, but there wasn't really a point in doing that. She took the spear she had left in Gahyeon's room and she walked outside, in the arena.

To her surprise she found that Bora was already there as a bolt from her crossbow perfectly hit the middle of an apple she had placed on a little pedestal, making it explode with some of the pieces covering Yubin.

"Thanks sis... That was exactly what I needed to start this already horrible day" the blue haired girl mumbled, trying to clean her shirt and shorts.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry" Bora laughed with her ear piercing laugh, running over to her sister. "And what do you mean horrible day! It's a perfect day" she yelled on purpose.

"Is it?" Yubin scoffed, pushing her sister a little bit back with her hand "Please stop yelling, my head is exploding"

"That's what you get after getting wasted at a party I was not invited to" the small woman stated.

"I wouldn't call that a party" Yubin replied, walking in the middle of the arena and starting to swing her spear around. "We just drank a lot and... we did stupid things"

"You drank a lot and did stupid things? What stupid things?" Bora asked. "And how is that not a party?"

"Okay it was a party, and I got wasted really fast because honestly, my head couldn't stop thinking" Yubin said, trying to be honest "And I kissed Handong"

"You kissed Handong?" Bora chuckled. "I bet Gahyeon was fuming!"

"She was busy kissing Chae, actually" the blue haired girl replied, hitting a wooden mannequin at the side of the arena.

"What? Kissing Chaesol? Our Gahyeon? Is... everything okay between you two?" Bora asked worriedly, not knowing what to make of it.

"Of course it is. We were just drunk and having a little bit of fun. We came back together this morning. She's sleeping and I just wanted to practice a little before the training with your girlfriend" Yubin cut short.

"Okay... well if you're both fine with exchanging partners for an evening then that's fine but... why do you look so down then?" Bora asked, pulling Yubin into a hug.

"I had a fight with Minji... and Siyeon" Yubin sighed, resting her chin on Bora's shoulder.

"Both?" The brunette whispered, kissing her sister's temple. "What happened? My wolf didn't tell me about it"

"I bet she didn't. I didn't actually... fight with her. I'm just... I don't know. Hurt? Disappointed?" Yubin whispered. "I connected the dots and-... Nevermind Bora, it's not important"

"Bin, it is important because you're clearly upset by it. Are you sure that you didn't read too far into it? You know Siyeon cares about you, she showed you that enough right?"

"I thought she did" Yubin replied, nodding her head. "But then I realized something"

"Whatever it is I'm sure you have it wrong, Bin"

"I've never been necessary" Yubin whispered, pulling away from the hug. "Not for Yooh, not for you... you had each other. And I thought that with everything that was happening with Siyeon... I thought she needed me, because she valued me as friend and I thought that was the reason why she was keeping me close. I felt necessary, for once"

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