Chapter 123: Soulmates' past part 1

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Hey everyone, we just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all the commenters! You are the one making this story more fun to write and breathe life into it!
We also wanted to say that we released a pretty long 2yoo oneshot on my profile called 'Changing Tones' feel free to check it out.
Much love and enjoy the chapter ♥

TW: torture, blood, sensitive topics

243 years ago

It was the first day of school training for Siyeon and to say that the young girl was scared was an understatement. She was a 7 year old kid, watching a lot of older vampires hit each other and hurt each other. When her turn to spar arrived, she didn't even try to remove her hands from in front of her face and that gained her a few hits from another kid and a lot of complaints by her teacher. She thought that after seeing that she totally wasn't capable of fighting both mentally and physically that they would just give her a break but that was far from the case. As long as she kept hiding her face, the spar wouldn't end and the hits would keep coming.

"Don't you think that's enough?" A voice asked from the other side of the room as a black haired girl looked at her teacher. "She's not even protecting herself and she's not learning anything from it"

"She is. She's learning that if you don't fight, the enemy won't hesitate to take advantage of that. Not fighting doesn't end in not getting hurt" the teacher replied, turning to the kid who was Siyeon's sparring partner. "You can use kicks as well"

"Maybe if you teach her how to protect herself, she wouldn't be a punching bag!" The girl kept saying, not liking the way things were going and knowing that this would probably have consequences.

"Are you questioning my teaching, Kim" the teacher asked, turning towards her with a very serious look.

"She's a kid. How old is she? 7, 8?" the black haired girl asked, looking at the teacher. "I'm not questioning your teaching but... she clearly doesn't know what to do"

"Then she should learn, by herself. You know how this goes, Kim, you've been through this as well"

"That's why I know how she feels right now" the girl countered. "She learnt this lesson today, if you let her off I'm sure she will attack back tomorrow" she tried.

"She still has 1 hour to go and if you don't stop interfering right now, Kim, you're going to the punishment room. Clan leader's daughter or not" the teacher stated, seeing how Siyeon was now getting kicked and punched without putting up any kind of defense.

"I'll go in the punishment room in the afternoon then" the black haired girl sighed, interrupting her own training to walk to the little girl on the ground. Lightly pushed back the opponent and she picked up the kid, holding her in her arms and walking towards the stands.

"I-it hurts" the little Siyeon whispered, tears silently rolling down her face as she didn't even dare to look up at the girl, covering her face with her now bruised fists.

"I know, I know it hurts" the older vampire whispered, jumping up to the last step of the stands and putting the kid down. "You can lower these, it's safe now" she smiled, gently tapping the kid's fists.

"Kim! Bring her back right now!" the teacher called after her with an annoyed tone. "You're getting punished later and your torture training next year will be harsher if you keep interfering with the school's methods!"

The black haired girl thought about what to do but the way that the little girl started shaking after hearing the teacher's voice made her understand that she didn't have a choice to make. She couldn't leave her there.

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