Chapter 155

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The next morning Siyeon walked down to the basement, wanting to talk to her mother one-on-one. She was really happy that she had accepted Bora and it looked like Adira had changed and was more open to actually talk with Siyeon than before. That thought made the blonde smile while walking down the stairs with two cups of blood in her hands but when she arrived in the basement and saw her mother sleeping with Jiwoo, her smile disappeared for some reason. It's not that the scene wasn't cute but... she wondered why Jiwoo was there and not her.

As she walked closer, she put the two cups on the table and just that little noise caused Jiwoo to slowly turn to the side.

"Good morning" she yawned, rubbing her eyes and looking at the blonde vampire.

"Good morning, Jiwoo, what are you doing here?" Siyeon asked, sounding a bit more unfriendly than she would have liked.

"She had a crisis during the night... she was confused and scared and I heard her so I came downstairs" Jiwoo explained, slowly sitting up. "And we had to treat her legs, me and Minji"

"What?! And you didn't bother to call for me?" the younger vampire asked, looking annoyed as she swatted Jiwoo's hand away that was reaching for one of the cups.

"I wanted to give it to her... I wasn't going to drink it" Jiwoo said, looking at Siyeon with a confused expression. "I knew you were upstairs with Bora and I didn't want to wake you up to do something unpleasant that would have hurt you"

"It's my mother, Jiwoo. I would have wanted to help or at least wanted to be informed of what was happening, who knows when you were going to tell me"

"I just did..." Jiwoo said, narrowing her eyes. "Why are you being like this?"

"Because you-... nothing, just... tell me next time. Immediately" the blonde sighed, shaking her head.

Jiwoo nodded, looking deep in Siyeon's eyes before turning back towards the bed. She bent down and pecked Adira's forehead.

"I'll come back later to check on you, mom" she said, not knowing if Adira was awake to hear her, but she just wanted to tell her that.

"Mom?" Siyeon asked, raising an eyebrow. "Since when did you start calling her mom?"

"Out loud... yesterday" Jiwoo admitted with a little smile. "I did it before in the past, by mistake"

The younger girl analyzed Jiwoo's face before nodding wanting to ask something else she didn't really get.

"You mentioned you and Minji, who you woke up instead of me for some reason, had to treat her legs? What did you mean with that"

"I woke her up instead of you because she had to take pieces of silver out of your mother's flesh" Jiwoo said in an annoyed tone, not liking the fact that Siyeon was questioning every single thing she did. "I love her too much to do that myself so I thought it would be the same for you"

"Of course, deciding things for me, that's what you two have always been great at" Siyeon sighed, shaking her head and sitting down on the bed.

Jiwoo clenched her fist and gritted her teeth, not getting why Siyeon was acting like this.

"Every single thing she and I did... was to protect you" she hissed, opening the door and walking outside, slamming it shut on her way out.

Siyeon shook her head, keeping herself from yelling something back at her. She didn't know why but everything that just happened made her feel... the same things that she felt in the past, before escaping the village.

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