Chapter 174

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A few weeks had passed after the resurrection of Nara and Solise and things were going pretty well. After the training camp the two ancient vampires were starting to collaborate with the group and most of the girls were able to have a little chat with them without being threatened to die. There were a few things that still needed to be fixed before the big battle and one of them was the relationship between Siyeon and Jiwoo. Since Siyeon came back from Norway they barely talked or looked at each other and the group was starting to get worried about it.

Since Nara and Solise were out of the basement to have a training session, Bora and Yubin decided to take the situation in their hands. Bora brought Siyeon downstairs, pretending that there was something wrong with the table and Yubin did the same with Jiwoo shortly after. One little push on their backs and one lock of the door and Siyeon and Jiwoo were locked inside the basement together with no chance to get out.

"Now be a good wolf and fix things with your sister, my wolf" Bora said with a smile, looking through the glass of the door.

"I will never offer to help you out again" Siyeon replied, glaring at her girlfriend. She didn't appreciate this action at all, even if it was probably for the best. They both wanted to make up with each other but on their own accords, not like this. Of course Siyeon knew that if Bora and Yubin didn't do this, it would've taken a long time for them to talk about it, but this felt humiliating.

"Open the door, Yubin, now!" Jiwoo raised her voice, glaring at her second in command. "This is not the right way to deal with this"

"It's not the right way, but at least the issue will be dealt with then" Yubin responded, making no movement to open the door. The only way this door would open was when they made up.

"I said open th-... Yubin! Where do you think you're going?" the red and black haired girl yelled as Bora and Yubin started walking upstairs. "I swear, don't challeng-... damn it" she sighed when she heard the door close behind the two younger girls.

When the two were gone, both Siyeon and Jiwoo sat down in a corner of the room, opposite of each other and not sparing each other as much as a single glance.

They sat like this for what felt like hours and none of them said a single word. Both of them believed the other one was the one who needed to apologize, so they were both waiting. In that time, both Yubin and Bora had come to check on them once, but not noticing any results. They knew that Jiwoo and Siyeon were stubborn but this was just absurd.

"You really don't have anything to say?" Jiwoo asked, wanting to get the conversation going so that they would be able to leave.

"I said what I wanted to say before. You showed me that you didn't care for it at all so nope, I don't"

"I didn't care?" Jiwoo asked with a scoff. "My only fault here was that I cared too much, Siyeon"

"About one person. Not the other" the blonde scoffed.

"About you and Adira both" the older vampire stated, looking at Siyeon. "About my family"

Siyeon heard enough with that sentence, knowing that continuing the topic wouldn't be good so she went silent again.

"This won't go anywhere" Jiwoo whispered, shaking her head. She stood up and walked to the door, kicking it as hard as she could without results. She tried a couple times more but the result was the same. "Fuck it!" she hissed, not wanting to be here. How did they end up like this? They used to be so close...

"Calm down. You're still a guest in this house" The younger vampire said, looking at Jiwoo. "If you don't want to be reasonable that's fine, but don't break things"

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