Chapter 8

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Yes, yet another chapter!

Earlier that day Siyeon and Minji both left the house to go on their separate patrols. Minji decided to take a little black face mask this time. The vampire had a feeling that that silver haired hunter could be following her again and she really didn't want to show her face. She told Siyeon that she was going to do her usual route again but in truth she decided to check out that hideout on her own again. It was probably abandoned by now but maybe there were some leftover clues.

As soon as she arrived she studied the situation, looking at the entrance of the building from the rooftop. As she expected it looked abandoned. She jumped down carefully walking towards the entrance.She remembered how she killed those three guards here yesterday. Well she killed two of them and that damned hunter killed the third. She scanned the rooftops for silver hair and when she didn't see anything she kicked down the door.

She walked in the building and she carefully went through the dark long corridor that ended up in a large room. The nightshade left in a hurry because the place was trashed and there were a lot of broken things on the ground. She bent down to pick something up that she thought could be useful when she heard a hiss. She knew it was a bullet and she dodged it quickly enough.

"You are really starting to get on my nerves" someone said behind her. Minji shook her head, not looking behind her. She clenched her fists and picked up a bottle that was on the ground in front of her.

"Oh, sweetie, you are not the only one that feels like that" she replied, throwing the bottle next to the hunter, colliding with the wall. The silver haired girl was startled by the sudden action and ducked to avoid being hurt by the shards of glass. "What are you doing here hunter!"

"I'm not here to talk, vampire" Yoohyeon hissed, making sure to put the accent on the last word. "I need to search this place and if it means that I'll have to take you down in the process, I won't complain" she added, aiming at the vampire's back again. She didn't expect to hear the black haired woman laugh at her threat.

"Oh come on, you had the chance to kill me twice already. Why would you be able to kill me this time" she scoffed.

"As you said I had two chances and I decided not to kill. Now I decide that I will" Yoohyeon said in a serious tone as she shot another bullet aiming at the vampire's heart, but not precisely. She aimed slightly to the right, thinking that the vampire would try to dodge the bullet moving to the right, because she had her left shoulder touching the wall. Instead of trying to dodge Minji just stayed still, making Yoohyeon completely miss.

"Seems like you are not that good of a shot. You are one weird hunter. Hunters kill on sight and never let vampires go. Why did you have mercy on me" Minji decided to challenge, turning around.

"As I said I'm not here to talk" Yoohyeon hissed again. The truth was that she didn't have an answer for that question. Yubin was silently judging her decision. Bora was openly judging her decision and now the vampire herself was judging her decision. It was a mistake. Yoohyeon should have shot the vampire the first time she had a chance. She aimed again pointing directly at the vampire's heart and she shot fast. Minji really didn't expect the silver haired hunter to shoot so she wasn't able to dodge quickly enough, feeling the bullet pierce her shoulder, feeling an immense pain.

"Well... played" Minji laughed, gripping her shoulder with her hand.

She could feel the silver burning her flesh. The bullet didn't hit her in the heart or in the head, so she will survive that. But the pain was unbearable. Yoohyeon aimed again and Minji didn't know what to do. She didn't want to engage her in a fight but she couldn't just stay there and wait for the hunter to kill her. She promised she would always go back home to Siyeon and Gahyeon. She locked eyes with the hunter through the mask and she ran fast towards her, too fast for Yoohyeon to see.

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