Chapter 70

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TW: Elkie again

Four days had passed from when Gahyeon went missing and Siyeon walked back home, followed by Bora and Yubin. She let them in and slammed the door behind her, startling Yoohyeon, Handong and Chaesol who were sitting down on the couch. The only one who wasn't startled at all was Minji, who totally saw this coming.

"It's been four days!" Siyeon said, walking into the living room "My sister went missing 4 days ago and we have been looking for her non-stop!"

"Singnie, we will find her. Just keep believing in that. There is always someone who must have seen something" The oldest vampire tried to calm her down.

"No one saw fucking shit, Minji! No one!" Siyeon yelled.

"Let's not lose control, Siyeon" Minji said in a firm tone. She knew everyone was desperate, Siyeon and Yubin more than the others, but she couldn't allow them to lose control.

"Easy to say Minji, she's not your fucking sister!" Siyeon replied. Minji sighed, walking over to the younger vampire and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"No but she's part of my family and I'm just saying we can't lose focus because of our anger"

Siyeon pushed away Minji's hand and made a step back.

"I've followed your orders for four days. You said we would find her!" Siyeon hissed, looking at the older vampire. "Where is she? Where is she, Minji?" She yelled.

"Calm down, Siyeon! I don't know where she is but lashing out at me or at anyone won't bring her back!" The older vampire stated.

"Hey, she's right, Siyeon" Bora whispered, hugging her girlfriend. "Please just stay calm and think with us"

"Think about what, Bora? We literally scanned the whole city! I've used my hearing in every single street, trying to find her... She... she's just disappeared" the blonde girl said, sounding desperate. "What if Minji is wrong? What if Gahyeon is dead?"

"Who would want to kill Gahyeon without messaging any of us? She's not dead Siyeon but... I think we can conclude that she didn't leave on her own, right Minji?" The smallest hunter asked.

"I'm pretty sure someone took her" Minji said, looking away from Siyeon. "They probably are using her to get to me or Siyeon"

"Why didn't we hear from them yet then?" Yoohyeon interrupted. "I mean that's how normal abductions work right? They take someone as leverage and ask something in return?"

"I... I think they're using her to get information about us" Minji said, turning towards her girlfriend. "But since they haven't contacted us yet... I think she's not giving them anything" she whispered faintly.

"That's not good then" Yoohyeon said. "I mean... we all know what they do if someone keeps their mouth shut. They tor-" Yoohyeon wanted to say when Minji put a hand over her mouth, pointing at Yubin and Siyeon.

Siyeon didn't even flinch, she knew that was a possibility and in the last four days she had considered every single option.

"They what, Yooh?" Yubin asked with a trembling voice. She already knew the answer, but she didn't want to believe it.

"They force them to talk" the silver haired girl responded, using the lighter term of the word.

"Can you f-feel it, Siyeon? Can you feel if she's hurt?" Yubin asked, turning towards the blonde girl. "With your bond... can you?" She asked, sounding desperate.

"I don't know... I don't feel anything so... I assume she is not... dead at least" the blonde vampire said, sounding desperate.

"I... w-what do we do now? How do we find her?" The blue haired girl asked, looking at everyone in the room and fighting back the tears. Chaesol, who was sitting on the couch beside Handong, stood up and walked to the younger hunter, hugging her closer and combing her hair, trying to calm her down a little.

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