Chapter 144

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Sorry for the late update

The morning after both Gahyeon and Yubin were at college and after a lesson together they had another one in different classrooms. When that was over as well, Yubin sat down on a bench and she put her backpack beside her as she tried to reach her book in it, picking up something else instead. She looked at Gahyeon's diary that was now in her hand and she decided to keep reading it instead of the book since Gahyeon wasn't there.

She had read a few pages of it already because she was just too intrigued to find out what was in it. It looked like Gahyeon had learnt a few things from it so she imagined that it was some pretty useful stuff.

After a few more minutes she had to stop because it was really hard to read what Gahyeon felt every time her parents treated her badly or how hungry she was every time they sent her to bed without dinner. She looked around and she noticed Gahyeon on a bench not far away from her, with Soojin, her girlfriend and another girl Yubin knew.

She was happy that she and Gahyeon were friends again and that the pink haired girl also made some friends outside of her but at the same time, she had this weird feeling in her chest, especially when she saw Gahyeon's newest friend around the girl.

What didn't help was that Yubin didn't really like that girl. They never really clicked and she was one of those who laughed when Yubin got bullied in class. She never bothered her in first person but she definitely contributed to the others not to stop.

If she remembered right the girl was called Song Yuqi, a transfer student from China. In the time that Gahyeon and Yubin avoided each other at school, the vampire and her apparently became friends through Soojin's girlfriend.

Yubin read another couple of pages of the diary, trying to focus on that when she heard people talking about her and Gahyeon. It wasn't anything new because since they weren't together anymore, everyone started saying that Yubin had finally found someone who treated her how she treated the other girls.

They said that a cute girl like Gahyeon didn't deserve someone like her and that Yubin got what was coming to her. She somewhat agreed with the last statement but the first one was just the result of a rumor. She hated it when people talked without knowing the facts.

Yubin being a vampire now was making everything worse. She could hear literally everything people were saying about her, all the time and she felt herself getting angrier by the minute. The situation with Gahyeon was already really difficult, she was missing Jiwoo a lot and as if that wasn't enough, she had to listen to those rumors about them.

She was really happy that the bullying stopped thanks to Siyeon but the rumors stayed. She knew that it was her fault that they existed but she also hoped the people would notice she changed.

She was staring at Gahyeon, trying to calm down her anger just like Jiwoo told her, when Yuqi wrapped her arm around the pink haired girl's shoulder, playfully pulling her closer and laughing at something Soojin said.

She saw how Gahyeon smiled at the girl who obviously was hitting on her but the pink haired girl was too dense to notice that.

Yubin tried to clear her mind, to think about something else, but a group of four people on another bench were still talking about her and how she deserved to just be there and look at Gahyeon being happy with someone else. Her breathing fastened and she felt her fangs itch and push against her bottom lip.

Everything was just starting to overwhelm and at times like this she really cursed her vampire hearing and wished she could just turn it off.

She felt her fangs push more against her lip so she lowered her head and quickly put her things back into her backpack and swung it on her shoulder. She started walking towards the restrooms but she realized she wouldn't have enough time so she ran towards the door of the building, bumping into one of those who were talking about her.

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