Chapter 37

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As Minji and Yoohyeon left the bar, Handong joined the two other girls at the table, sitting down with them and glaring at Yubin, looking really serious.

"So, you are the player they were talking about" she said, looking straight into Yubin's eyes, playfully wanting to scare her a little.

The blue haired girl panicked a little and looked at Gahyeon who was still on her lap

"I uhm... I changed... Gahyeon helped me... c-change" she replied.

"You changed huh?" Handong asked, still glaring at her and Gahyeon was silently enjoying the scene, knowing that Handong was messing with Yubin. "Did you really? Or are you still playing with others while toying with my Gahyeon?" She calmly said, without breaking eye contact with the blue haired girl who was panicking. Gahyeon told her that Handong was a sweet and caring girl...

"I d-did... I c-can't prove it t-to you but G-Gahyeon is the o-only one" Yubin replied, stuttering.

"The only one you are still toying with you mean?" Handong pushed.

"N- No! I meant s- she's the only o-one I-... I have f-feelings for" Yubin admitted, snuggling a little bit closer to Gahyeon.

"A player who gets feelings? This is not a movie, Yubin, nor a story. You probably mean feelings of lust, right?" Handong kept going and Yubin didn't know what was going on while Gahyeon was doing her best not to laugh.

Yubin took a deep breath. She had no reason to feel intimidated, right? She knew she wasn't toying with Gahyeon, so she should be confident in what she was saying.

"I'm not talking about lust. I could have kept any other girl for lust... I chose her because she's the only one that makes me feel way more than that. M- My heart goes crazy when she's around" Yubin admitted blushing a little and looking up at Gahyeon.

"Okay, then you're clear! What are you drinking?" Handong suddenly asked, changing into the nice girl and startling Yubin, finally making Gahyeon laugh out loud.

Yubin looked back and forth from Gahyeon to Handong.

"Why are you laughing? Were you messing with me?" She asked, pouting. "I was really scared! Gahyeon told me you were really sweet and caring and I- I got scared because you seemed to hate me"

"Of course I was messing with you! Gahyeon would never stay with you if it wasn't real so you're safe!" Handong chuckled. "So what are you drinking?" she repeated.

"I'll have a coffee, thank you" Yubin replied with a smile.

"Two!" Gahyeon cheered, snuggling closer to Yubin, still laughing.

"Is coffee like the only thing you all drink? I have a bar and the only thing people order are coffees" Handong laughed, going to the bar to make them.

When Handong was away for a bit, the vampire leaned in to Yubin's ear and blew some air in it.

"So no lust towards me huh?" She whispered.

"I said... I feel 'way more than lust', for you" Yubin explained. "That means I feel lust and something else" she said, shivering because of Gahyeon's action.

"Great, because I feel like that lust will be used a lot" Gahyeon whispered again, gently biting Yubin's earlobe before pulling back.

"Tell me the truth... are you keeping me around just for sex?" Yubin asked, arching her back a little when the vampire bit her earlobe.

"Of course I'm not, silly! I like you as a person and I might be having feelings as well but... I can't deny the sex is great" Gahyeon replied with a wink.

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