Chapter 59

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TW: Psychological fight

After a fun evening with the whole group yesterday, Yoohyeon decided to sleep over while Bora and Yubin went home to do some much needed chores. She joined Siyeon and Minji in the bed where they talked a little before falling asleep.

Now she was slowly waking up, feeling two strong arms around her waist, making her feel safe. The arms she loved, the arms of her girlfriend. She didn't have the energy to open her eyes yet, but a smile slowly formed on her face.

The girl holding her shifted a little in her sleep and Yoohyeon couldn't help but snuggle closer, finding herself face to face with her.

Their bodies felt so warm this close to each other and Yoohyeon slowly reached her arm around the girl's shoulder pulling her closer.

"Good morning, babe" she said, kissing the sleeping girl's forehead.

"Good morning" they mumbled back, too sleepy to really do anything else.

Yoohyeon pouted a little, not feeling her girlfriend kissing her back so she cupped the vampire's cheek and trailed her fingers down to find her lips, with her eyes still closed, placing a sweet and long kiss on the girl's lips.

"Minji... come on... make out with me" Yoohyeon whined still not opening her eyes because the light filtering through the window would be too sensitive.

"Y- Yoohyeon?" A voice suddenly yelled in her ear, startling her to death. She quickly sat up, looking down at the girl who was holding her close and she gasped, bringing a hand on her mouth.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry" Yoohyeon panicked.

"You better be sorry" Minji's voice said and Yoohyeon turned her head to see her girlfriend standing in the doorway with a plate with a healthy breakfast on it. "I go downstairs to make you breakfast for on the bed and when I get back here you are making out with Siyeon" she added with a chuckle.

"I-... I didn't want to! I thought it was you! Oh god I'm so sorry Minji!!" Yoohyeon panicked, with her hand still on her mouth.

Siyeon sat up, resting her back on the headboard of the bed.

"In less than 10 hours I've kissed someone and I've seen someone else naked in the shower... and none of them is my girlfriend" Siyeon laughed, looking at Yoohyeon.

"Hey! Why didn't you refuse her? You're not innocent here, wolf" Minji playfully threatened. "Besides, you should really kiss your girlfriend! Her lips are soft"

"I was sleeping, how could I refuse her if I didn't know she was about to kiss me?" Siyeon protested "And I'll tell you what... I wouldn't have refused her anyway... you kissed my girlfriend and I kissed yours!" Siyeon challenged.

"You're not even reacting to the fact that I kissed Bora?" The older vampire laughed. "She even liked it!"

"I'm not reacting because I knew that already. Yubin told me" Siyeon replied, not liking what the older vampire said after that. She stood up from the bed, letting out a low growl.

"Ah there's my wolf, you're cute, Singnie" Minji smiled, caressing her cheek. "You had your kiss with my Pup, I guess we are all happy now"

"We are even, so now stop going around kissing people, Minji" Siyeon growled again. "And Bora didn't like it"

"She said my lips were surprisingly soft. And I can't stop now! I only need Yubin and I had everyone" she joked looking at Yoohyeon to make sure she got that it meant nothing.

Yoohyeon crossed her arms on her chest, standing up and walking to stand beside Siyeon and both of them glared at Minji.

"The fact that your lips are soft doesn't mean that she liked it" Siyeon repeated, growling louder, feeling way too jealous.

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