Chapter 191

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Hey everyone, we are still alive. Life just got really busy and we struggled to keep up with the story. We care about the story and the comments asking for the story show us you do as well. That gives a lot of motivation to try and continue, even if at a slower pace. We hope you still enjoy reading after what feels like way too long. See you at the end of the chapter!

When they entered, they saw everyone else was there and their hearts started beating way too fast at seeing Gahyeon talk with Siyeon.

It looked like everyone who was important to winning the war was there so at least they weren't the only people in the room. Yubin took a deep breath and walked Chaesol to the table where the others were sitting. That way she could show she was able to convince her to come.

Everyone was happy to see Chaesol there and they happily waved at her as Jiwoo stood up to give her a quick hug and bring her to her seat. As she released Chaesol from the hug she stopped, slightly sniffing the air before locking eyes with the priestess. She sniffed the air some more and her eyes traveled all the way to Yubin as she glared at her in a rather scary way.

Even though no words had been spoken the blue haired girl could just sense that Jiwoo was angry at her. Could she smell something was off?

She was about to walk closer when she realized what had just happened. Vampires could smell sex... and even though they didn't technically finish, there was something. She panicked, realizing that everyone at the table would be able to smell that. "Jiwoo? C-can we talk?" She quickly asked, wanting to get away from the table before anyone else would hug her.

Her leader looked at Chaesol and locked eyes with her. "Find an excuse to stay away from the table" she said in a firm tone as she walked to Yubin and grabbed her arm, harshly pulling her to the other room. The younger woman whimpered a little because Jiwoo's grip was really strong. And she honestly couldn't blame her.

"What the fuck did you do?" Jiwoo asked, showing Yubin her fangs.

"I-it wasn't my fault" Yubin defended herself, feeling her leader's aura. "Her totem, well Eir's... forced it"

"You better explain yourself better than this" the leader hissed, pulling her closer. "You want to cheat on your girlfriend? That would normally be your business, but here? You're in two different packs. Do you want me and Minji to fight for an instinct you couldn't control?"

The younger vampire shook her head, definitely not liking her words. "I don't want to cheat on her! Chae was using Eir's totem and it took control of her brain. She tried to get to me, wanting something safe. So then I took it from her and it started talking to me so we ended up in bed but we didn't finish" she started rambling, letting everything out at once.

Jiwoo stayed silent for a few seconds, processing Yubin's words. "You're telling me Eir's totem pushed you two to have sex? She had it and when you managed to take it, it got you instead?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" Yubin desperately nodded her head. It probably sounded insane but she hoped Jiwoo would believe her.

The leader sighed, releasing Yubin's collar. "We need to get rid of that totem since it's clear Chaesol can't control it" she said, shaking her head. "The thing is... everyone at the table will know"

Yubin nodded, obviously knowing that. Which was why she didn't give a shit about that totem right now. "Can we get rid of the scent?" She asked, sounding hopeful.

Jiwoo shook her head, thinking about the options. "The only thing that could help you making this look normal was to bring Gahyeon here, explain her the situation, convince her to have sex so that the scent would be on the two of you... and it would make more sense" she said, scratching her head. "Unless you want to explain the whole thing to 10 people, including one kid who can smell it"

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