Chapter 193

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New update! Thanks for the comments on the last chapters, they really help!

After having encouraged Siyeon right before turning Bora, Minji walked back up to her and Yoohyeon's room. There were boxes everywhere because they were planning on moving to the moonlight clan soon enough, but Minji didn't mind. She just needed a bit of room on the desk, so she could go on with her research.

A week had passed after the battle with Xena and Minji couldn't think about anything that wasn't Handong. She worked day and night, she read every kind of book she could find about the different clans and she tried her best to find another soul weaver. There had to be something useful in the books. Maybe a way to find a soul weaver, or a way to summon one?

What didn't help her was that lately a lot of distractions came up. The moving out, the new vampires, her postponed marriage, Yoohyeon's injury... How was one supposed to focus at all?

She kept trying her best, deciding that this was her priority. Handong took them in when they needed help, many years ago, and Minji promised that, in return, she would always protect her. She wanted to keep that promise, but it wasn't just that. Handong was her best friend, Minji loved her and she started feeling physically sick since Handong disappeared. She had to find a way to bring her back. She was the leader and it was her job and her duty to keep the pack safe. "Babe?" A voice pulled her out of her thoughts as the door opened, showing a worried Yoohyeon.

Minji initially didn't hear the call, crumpling up yet another piece of paper and throwing it aside... but instead of hitting the wall and bouncing in the bin, it hit Yoohyeon in the face.

"Ouch" the silver haired woman mumbled, massaging her nose before bending down to pick up the piece of paper. "Babe? Did you really not hear me coming in?"

Now finally aware of the other presence, it was honestly amazing that a vampire didn't sense someone in any way, Minji hummed. She still hadn't exactly heard what Yoohyeon said. Or registered it was her girlfriend at all.

Yoohyeon looked at Minji for a few seconds and let out a sigh. This had been going on for days and Yoohyeon was honestly scared Minji would get sick at some point. She spent every single hour of the day in their room, reading books. She wasn't even eating with the others anymore, she would just sip blood in her room while working. Yoohyeon walked to her girlfriend and reached for her face, she gently turned it towards her and locked eyes with the older vampire.

Only after a few seconds was there a real look of recognition. "Oh... hi" The oldest vampire smiled, tilting her head. "What's up?"

"What's up?" Yoohyeon repeated in disbelief. "You need a break, that's what's up"

"I'm fine" Minji shook her head, basically repeating the same thing she did whenever someone suggested she was overworking herself again.

"You are not fine, Minji" Yoohyeon shook her head, reaching for the pen in her hand to pull it away. "You haven't slept properly in a week"

And that was supposed to be the worrying part? It has been worse in the past. The leader argued that they were vampires. They didn't need as much sleep anyway.

Yoohyeon sighed, gently pulling back Minji's chair a little with the only arm she could use. "Stand up, come to the bed with me for a bit" she said with a smile.

"Pup... let me finish this" Ending in the middle of a chapter wasn't smart. There was the risk of missing out on the crucial word.

"We will start the chapter again later, together" Yoohyeon reassured her, locking eyes with her. "You need a break. You're detaching yourself from reality"

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