Chapter 128

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Sorry for the really late update, busy day!

The next day Bora and Jiwoo decided to go check the two addresses Kwan gave her, to try and get some information about Jiwoo's son. They told the other girls they would go for a walk in the park, just to get to know each other better so that no one would suspect anything.

They stepped into the car and Jiwoo sat down, looking around and trying to understand what to do.

"Where did you get that from?" She asked, pointing at Bora's seatbelt and looking down at her own body. "I don't have one"

"What do you mean that you-... wait, don't tell me... You've never been in a car?" The human laughed.

"I'm a vampire, I don't need a car" Jiwoo scoffed. "I'm fast" she protested.

"Yoohyeon is a vampire as well now and she still drives" Bora stated, pointing at Jiwoo's seatbelt. "That's yours"

"I've never needed to drive, I lived with the Nightshades... they don't drive" the vampire explained, taking the seatbelt and pulling it towards her. When she reached her stomach she let go and she was startled by the fact that it got sucked back again. "What the-..."

"You need to put it in here. If you don't it does that" the brunette explained, having a hard time to not burst out laughing again. Jiwoo's face was priceless.

The vampire took the seatbelt again and she pulled it, putting it in the little box Bora was pointing. She smiled proudly when she noticed it was staying in place now.

"Done! So... what now? How do we make it move?" She asked, looking outside.

"I make it move, you just sit down and do nothing" the hunter smiled, putting the key in the ignition and starting the engine.

"You don't need my help-" Jiwoo was saying when the car started making noise and she growled at it, not understanding what was going on.

"Did you just... growl at my car?" Bora asked, feeling like she needed to cry because of how hard she did her best not to lose it.

"It growled at me first!" Jiwoo protested, turning towards Bora. "Didn't you hear it?"

"That was the engine, the thing that will make us move"

"It's not dangerous then?" Jiwoo asked, looking back at the car. "This is probably really funny for you, isn't it Bora?" She asked with a little chuckle.

"I'm loving it" the brunette admitted, deciding to tease a little bit by putting the air conditioning on and honking.

The vampire was startled by both things and she growled again.

"I really think your car doesn't like me" she mumbled. "What was that loud sound?"

"That was the horn. You use it to alert other drivers when needed. Yubin uses it all the time when people go too slow for her liking"

"So... who were you alerting then?" Jiwoo asked, glaring at Bora. "You did it just to scare me, didn't you?"

"Maybe, it's funny to see your reaction to a simple car" the latter smirked.

"I bet it is" Jiwoo chuckled, knowing that this was probably hilarious for someone who was used to driving a car. "Anything else you want to show me?"

"I don't think so, we can drive now. Let me just configure the GPS real quick" the brunette said, typing in the destination as the GPS gave some instructions.

"I know what a GPS is" Jiwoo said proudly. *One of the few things I learnt how to use are mobile phones"

"You're lucky then, I thought you were going to yeet me out of the car, thinking a robot was attacking us"

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