Salmon fillet in a vegetable parcel

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ingredients for 4 persons:

4 (150 g each) salmon fillets

1 teaspoon salt

little pepper

little herbs of Provence

1 untreated (organic) lemon

2 tbsp olive oil

6 carrots

alternatively: other vegetables or mushrooms

3 leeks

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Halve 2 sheets of parchment paper and form four packets from them.

Wash the salmon fillets and pat dry with kitchen paper. Season with salt, pepper and herbs from Provence. Place one fillet each on baking paper.

Wash and halve the lemon, squeeze one half. Put the juice in a bowl with olive oil, salt and herbs and mix well. Peel and roughly grate the carrots. Halve the leek, wash and cut into fine strips. Add both to the oil mixture, mix well and divide the marinated vegetables over the four salmon fillets.

Slice the rest of the lemon and place on top of the vegetables. Fold the parcels together, seal them with kitchen twine as desired and cook in the middle of the oven for 25-35 minutes.

Variation with mushrooms:

You can vary the salmon packet with other vegetables, for example with pointed peppers and mushrooms: Instead of the carrots, use 2 red pointed peppers and 500 g mushrooms. Halve the pointed peppers, remove the seeds and white dividers, wash and cut into strips. Clean the mushrooms and halve or quarter depending on the size. Marinate in the oil and lemon juice mixture as described above and then cook in the parchment packet together with the salmon fillets for about 25 minutes.

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