11.||Secret or a Sin||

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(n.) wild, untamed, uncontrolled, unregulated

"You are looking beautiful my Cinderella" whispered Shivaay softly in Mallika's ears wrapping his arm around her waist

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"You are looking beautiful my Cinderella" whispered Shivaay softly in Mallika's ears wrapping his arm around her waist. She passed a sarcastic smile toward him, before excusing herself from her colleague attending her engagement.

"Who reminded you Mr. Prince Charming that you need to compliment me? Om?" asked Mallika with a raised eyebrow, knowing her fiancé quite well. He wasn't a romantic.

Shivaay smiled sheepishly, rubbing his nape "Nope. Sid did" he answered honestly knowing very well he can't lie to her. Mallika's smile froze on her face as she shared a look with Sid who was lounging at the bar of Deshmukh Celebration Outhouse with a whiskey glass in his hand, eyes looking at her unwaveringly.

She needs to tell everything to Shivaay. She needs to tell Shivaay what happened between her and Siddhartha. She can't keep him in dark this long, it's unfair to him. Shivaay hates lies in a relationship all because of his father's betrayal. The only thing he demands in a relationship is loyalty and she needs to give this to him.

He once said to her that in future they may make mistake, momentary lapse of judgment but all he wants is even if she cheats on him, she should come and tell him this openly.

And that's the only thing she isn't able to.

"I am sorry. You know me I am not good into all this" apologized Shivaay with his charming smile "I was just worried about import of titanium and some other raw materials. Annika informed she will look into it but she still haven't told me anything" he continued "by the way where is Beasty?"

"Beasty?" Mallika asked amused "You call Annika, Beasty?"

"Well it suits her" shrugged Shivaay "Hate to admit but she is intense and extremely strong. Also derived from beast—it suits her malevolent persona as well."

"Wow. Today must be some damn special day. Since the moment you met her, this is the first time you appreciated her" commented Mallika, chuckling at his scrunching expression.

"Aren't they Aditya Luthra and Akshit Raichand? Weird these two are cut throat business rivals to the level of personal rivalry. What are they doing here? Surprisingly together without ripping each other apart" asked Shivaay, looking at two men cladded in dark grey suit and deep sea blue suit respectively. Drinking some champagne while looking toward the stairs, waiting for someone.

"They are Annika's ex" replied Mallika "some rare ones she haven't ruined."

"And she have invited them here in her sister's engagement?" asked Shivaay frowning. His jolly mood suddenly turnings sour without any particular reason he could pin point to---or like to admit.

"Well Yes" answered Mallika in an obvious tone, she had stopped being surprised by her sister's antics long ago. "She dated two business rivals? Why do these men even agree? Like seriously they never tolerate each other in a single room and are here just because she invited them? What kind of hypnotism does she even do?" asked Shivaay, exaggerated. His temper surprisingly rising to its very limit.

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