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(n.) The desire to live i or experience a fantasy universe for a planned amount of time.



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Annika always thought she knew all extent of Shikhar's wickedness; she thought there is no way he would be able to do anything worse than what he had already done but what he had done to Eleanor's body

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Annika always thought she knew all extent of Shikhar's wickedness; she thought there is no way he would be able to do anything worse than what he had already done but what he had done to Eleanor's body. He had really outdone himself.

She looked at Ales who was still frozen at his place. She knew it must be downright terrifying for him. Eleanor looked too much like Clara to see her like this. Those eyes, those light green eyes, they were exact same what Clara and now Faith shared.

She looked back at the square box, pulling out the CD attached to it. Placing it back on top of the now closed rectangular box, she looked at the men who stood there just as horrified "Take this to a good embalmer. Pay them well to close their mouth and work over fixing the body and then call the church father to conduct a proper burial. Call me when the body is prepared and no one should talk about this to anyone else."

The men took a minute before nodding, taking the boxes outside. Annika turned toward Ales who seem to still be in a daze. "Come with me" She held his hand and took him into his office room. She wishes she had some empathy to spare him. But he needs this. He needs to listen to Shikhar's warning to heed to it.

Pulling out a laptop, she inserted the CD drive.

"Wasn't she dead years ago?" Ales asked, raising his head "You told, she was dead Annika."

"I never said she was dead Ales" Annika pointed out "We came to that conclusion together when the warehouse we thought she was in, didn't have her. The men there said that many girls died due to STD's and they dumped the body in the ocean. They weren't keeping a record. We didn't know who all were the girls that died. I never thought of a possibility of Shikhar taking her."

She settled on the couch, feeling frustrated. Angry on herself. How is it that Shikhar always manages to outsmart her. She hates it. She hates being beaten by him. She should have thought. When Ales killed his father and took over this empire, he chose her side. This made him an enemy for Shikhar and that man plays a long game. A really long game.

"How am I suppose to tell Clara this?" He hit his knuckles on the wooden table "I am the reason her sister is dead. He killed her as a retort of what I did."

"No need to tell her anything. Clara thinks, Eleanor died years ago. Let her believe that" answered Annika, Ales tried to interrupt but Annika shook her head "No Ales, she is happy. Let her be happy. Let Eleanor be a pleasant memory for Clara, don't let her see her like this. Some truths need to be taken to grave."

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