15.||A Living Drug||

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(n) Brilliant or Conspicuous success or effect

"Come-on brother-in-law, at least don't be grumpy at my favorite ex wedding

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"Come-on brother-in-law, at least don't be grumpy at my favorite ex wedding. You are making a whole lot of over deal over a kiss. It's not like we had sex and are pregnant" mocked Annika as they walked down the limo that came to pick them up for the venue. Shivaay just side glared her, she really was impossible.

He looked around and was clearly surprised and amused at the heavy level of security all around. There were men dressed in black suit and with rifles literally at every second step. Who was this man who needs this much security even at his wedding? Minister? Senate? Celebrity?

"Mam, Sir please show your identity card and invitation letter and step aside for checking" requested one of the guards in charge of checking everyone entering the venue. He had a deep British accent and blonde hairs. Shivaay looked at Annika who just shrugged off "My identity card is in my phone but invitation letter----well I think I used it to wipe off grease in my hand when I was working over the new project.

"Seriously?" asked Shivaay in disbelief, while the man looked at Annika with a pointed gaze "I am sorry but then we can't allow you to enter." Annika rolled her eyes at that before replying to Shivaay "What? My hands were dirty and that was the nearest thing I found" she then turned toward the guard "Just call your boss or Marcus."

"I am sorry Mam but our orders are not to let anyone enter without an invitation card. We need to scan the code given in your invitation card" the man insisted and before anyone could say a word another man interrupted the conversation almost scared to death "I am so sorry for the interruption mam. I just got held up with some other issue. Please enter."

"Marcus chill------don't worry I'm not telling this to him" reassured Annika to Marcus who looked nervous as hell.

"But sir she doesn't have an invitation card" interrupted the other guard to which Marcus glared him "She is Annika Jayant Deshmukh. She doesn't need anything. He would kill you if gets to know about this." The guard's face paled hearing this, he turned toward Annika apologetically "I—I am sorry Mam. I didn't recognize you I----"

"Can you all stop being so dramatic. I just said I won't tell him" Annika rolled her eyes and entered the venue muttering incoherent curses while Shivaay followed her confused and amazed at the whole situation "You are still really close to him, aren't you?"

"I am" replied Annika while they moved ahead "Some relationships are far from names and bonds."

"Where is he?" asked Shivaay as they looked at the swarm of people in the lawn, chatting and drinking. Annika pointed at a man dressed in sleek dark grey colored suit with a white flower attached to the pocket, amber streaked hair set up perfectly and even through his suit one can see the tattoo inked up till his neck. He was definitely well built with a towering height and muscles that made his suit fit him like a second skin. There was just slight well put stubble on his gorgeous face, a small scar near his eyebrow adoring his green sapphire eyes that made him intimidating and dangerous even to a person who didn't know him at all.

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