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(n.) the space that stretches between sleeping and walking 


Don't kill me after this update. ☠️


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Child. She is with a child. His child. Wasn't this suppose to be the most happy moment of his life? Wasn't it everything he ever wished for. A child with his Beasty but he could feel none of that happiness, nothing. It was like the place in hus heart where he felt is now a dead frosted tree where nothing grows.

"But Annika can't be a mother Doctor" It was Ales who spoke up while Shivaay just stood mum.

"The point is that Annika's body does produce eggs but it is not a regular occurrence like in a normal body. It's very rare almost like ones in a year with no fixed timing that's why she had really low chances of getting pregnant" answered the Doctor then looked at Shivaay "But it still happened. She is pregnant by five weeks." He placed a hand over Shivaay's arms.

"Your child is nothing less than a miracle!"

Miracle? His child is a miracle. Feel something Shivaay! Feel happy for being a father!

But there was nothing!

The Doctor looked at Shivaay's frozen face before turning back at Ales "But you were right, Annika can't be a mother at least not by giving birth to the baby. Her body isn't fit for pregnancy plus the bullet had injured her brain, it have slowed down her body process. Her condition is really unstable and I am sorry to say---" The doctor sighed "But you should be prepared for the worst."

"Remove the baby!"

That were his words that came out of his mouth, they seemed foreign. Too cruel. Something he couldn't expect himself to say but he did say it. He did say it staring right into the eyes of the shocked doctor.

"If the baby is hurting my wife, remove it" he continued, voice entirely dry "Just save her please" this came out like a begging, a desperate plea.

The Doctor looked at him sympathetically before looking at others, not sure what to say or do ahead when Rudra came forward "Doctor there must be some other way right?"

"Well we can opt for surrogacy, we can transfer the child in other womb but you need to find a surrogate soon, we can keep the embryo in lab only for some time. Annika's condition is too unstable and---" the doctor left the rest unsaid, but they all knew what it meant.

"Okay, we can arrange for someone right?" Rudra looked at his brothers with a hope then at the other man hoping to see some reaction. Ales felt pity on his hopeful face "Annika's state can't come out in public Rudra, only the leader is dead, the dogs are still out. We can't trust someone unknown."

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