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(n.) the phobia of loosing someone you love 


Get ready for the biggest mahasangam of ITV charcaters possible lol!

The below chapter is just a peekaboo of Shivaay's various friends and there shades! 

The below chapter is just a peekaboo of Shivaay's various friends and there shades! 

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"Does anyone have any idea where we are?" Daksh asked, while sipping his drink. Waiting in a rest room near what seem like an airport in an island "Are we sure, this trip is actually Shivaay's plan or we are not like brought here to play some squid game shit!"

"I don't know but this place seems so cool" Tia exclaimed, clicking a picture from the window side of the setting sun "It have beach and even snow-clad mountains. It's going to be so much fun!"

"Ya, if we are not here to get killed" Raghini muttered, taking a bite of the opulence sundae served to them by the people who brought them here.

"I am sure we wouldn't be served these expensive dishes, if the plan was to kill us" Arnav said with a shrug taking a sip of his Shipwrecked 1907 Heidsieck wine "This stuff is too good to be wasted on potential murder victim!"

"Haven't you heard the famous idiom; goat is fed before it's killed" Shitij spoke up swirling his whiskey glass "Where did you leave your son if you both are here Khushi?"

Khushi, Arnav's wife replied "He is with his grandparents!"

"Shivaay asked to bring our partners with us. Why didn't you and Daksh bring your girlfriends? And Raghini what about your boyfriend?" asked Dev, sitting beside Arnav doing a little cheer as they both were drinking wine.

"I had a break-up" shrugged off Shitij "She wanted to get married, I wasn't ready. It was supposed to be a casual relationship, she got way too serious ever since I brought her on our last reunion."

"Dick-head like always" muttered Sonakshi, shaking her head "What about you Daksh?"

"She wasn't my girlfriend Sona---, it was more of friends with benefits kind of thing and we called it off as she apparently fell in love with someone else" Daksh answered with a shrug "God who leaves good sex for something like love?"

"Stop calling her Sona" rebuked Dev, with a frown. Daksh was a habitual playboy and even though they were friends since graduation. He trusted him just as long as he can throw him! Which considering his hulk of a body wasn't much.

"Sure buddy!" He gave a nonchalant response "Why do you even get stressed over? Sonakshi is too much of one-man woman type for my liking. You are the only dude she had been dating since high'-school time. I like my girls wild and with experience."

"Shut that trap up idiot" Sonakshi rebuked "I don't even know why we are friends at this moment!"

"Because I am charming!" he grinned at her!

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