8.||Fucking Onions Cry||

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(n.) the phobia of losing someone you love

The tension between both their bodies was burning with a heat that melted their heart

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The tension between both their bodies was burning with a heat that melted their heart. Standing in the elevator of Deshmukh Residence, Shivaay held his fist almost digging his nails in his palm to avoid acting on his vicious desires, desires caused by the vixen named Annika standing right next to him trouncing her feet on the metal floor of the lift insouciantly.

It's wrong, he knew this but the pull was so strong that it was like it would tear him apart. Shivaay tried to take deep breath, calm himself down but nothing was helping. The few minutes ride to her floor felt like forever.

"Oh, Fuck the right" he growls, and lunges at her, pushing her straight against the wall of the elevator. Before she knew it he got both of her hands in one of his, in a vice-like grip above her head. Pinning her to the wall using his hip.

She smirked and it agitated him more, he wants to wipe that off and he will. His other hand grabbed her ponytail and yanked down, bringing her face up and his lips were on her. It's intense to the level that it pained both of them with its need. She moaned in his mouth, giving him an opening. He takes full advantage, his tongue expertly taste every corner of her sinner mouth. He had never kissed like this. She had never been kissed like this.

"Man I didn't knew you had this in you" she taunted him as he pulled apart for a minute to breath while wrapping her legs around his waist "Shut up" his words were muffled as his lips again found hers, biting them to the level that could draw blood. His hand slipping down her loose top rubbing from nowhere to anywhere across her skin, he tried to pull her close, more close. The need was so calamitous that he felt even merging their bodies won't be enough.

Her fingers pulled his hairs as they crashed to the nearest couch in Annika's room. Too desperate to go for the bed. He removed her top as she pulled out his shirt, holding her neck from the back in an almost choking grip, he turned her toward the couch reversing their position such that he was on top of her, his untamed and addicted lips once again found hers in a ruinous want. He rocked against her as her hand slipped under his trouser----------

Shivaay woke up breathing heavily , before he could even calm himself from the erotic dream he yelled in surprise "What the hell Annika?"

He put his hand on his chest, feeling the rise of an almost heart attack seeing Annika sitting inside his room, on his couch in blood red tube top paired with black leather jacket and black biker narrow jeans eating Doritos. Her dark blood red lips twisted in a smirk reminded Shivaay about the erogenous trance he was trying to forget.

"Sex dreaming about me brother in law?" she raised an eyebrow "Explains the morning wood" her line of vision made Shivaay self-conscious as he pulled the duvet up.

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