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(n.) to have a brief and precious existence 


Looks like a lot of you are busy with exams. 

Should I slow down the updates?

But then I would get busy with exams 😭🤷‍♀️

Annika woke up as the rays of sun finally made it difficult for her to continue sleeping, scrunching her eyes and rubbing her fist over it she finally greeted the new day and turned to see Shivaay still sleeping with his arms wrapped around her na...

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Annika woke up as the rays of sun finally made it difficult for her to continue sleeping, scrunching her eyes and rubbing her fist over it she finally greeted the new day and turned to see Shivaay still sleeping with his arms wrapped around her naked waist as his shirt that she was wearing had risen up.

She rolled her eyes knowing he must have done that in his sleep, he loves to keep touching her even when he is asleep. Her man was obsessed with touching her.

She looked at the clock on the table and it was already eight in the morning, Shivaay always woke up before her but the last night drinking have probably still kept him in deep slumber. She stood up and pulling his arm away from her with quite a considerable strength she bends down to kiss his forehead and smiled seeing how even in his slumber a small smile formed on his lips.

Her eyes then fell on Shivaay's chocolate and a chuckle left her lips seeing the banana chips scattered there. Apparently, chocolate doesn't like chips!

Shaking her head, she got down the bed and after brushing her teeth and washing her face she walked out toward the kitchen to make Shivaay a hangover drink. Yes, she knows she suck at cooking but a hangover drink is not something even she can suck at.


Greeted by the deafening silence she knew everyone must still be sleeping. All the boys last night were pretty drunk so there was no scope of anyone waking up anytime soon. Walking up to the kitchen she pulled out the fruits, put air pods in her ears ordering Layman to play Blank Space and picked up a knife to get to work.

She can do it!

Meanwhile Daksh walked out of his room, still pissed over the last night embarrassment. He knew she did it deliberately, she could have clarified him that day itself but she let him misunderstand so that she could publicly embarrass her. God that woman got on his nerves!

His steps halted on the threshold of the kitchen watching Annika swinging her hips while slicing fruits. Shaking her head to the music, her hairs swing wildly with every shake. His eyes traced the white shirt she was wearing that ended right above her knees.

His eyes followed her long tones legs. They were flawless. Perfect.

"Got a long-list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane" She sang the lines out loud, jerking her head that let one side of her shirt collar fall down revealing the peaking tattoo. She was just being casual about her dance but the woman had steps and body to seduce even a priest.

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