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(n.) the track of moonlight on water

Silence, deafening Silence was all that was left in Deshmukh residence hall once Annika left

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Silence, deafening Silence was all that was left in Deshmukh residence hall once Annika left. No one could utter a word. Everyone was in their own thought. Contemplating their actions, revisiting Annika's words.

Siddharth remembered how she danced with him when Mallika broke his heart so that he felt better. He, who literally have not done anything for Annika ever. Not even two polite words. Yet, she put forth effort to make him feel better. Put effort to reconcile him and Mallika despite every wrong Mallika did toward her. This when Mallika broke her so bad. How is anyone capable of that?

Rudra have never felt any lower of himself then at this point. He was son of Shikhar Singh Oberoi and instead of trying to get his revenge from him, she in turn saved his life. Risking her own. Then how can someone be so resilient to live and actually live, no depressed state despite all the tragedies. She actually lived with a smile. He was ready to kill himself for one tragedy, she went through uncountable and still rose like anything. How is anyone capable of that?

Om had a whole lot inside him going on, he was still the only one here who knew that no, Annika holds no grudge for Mallika. He doesn't know how, how----but she still loved Mallika the same. Like before. She had just stopped letting Mallika know for God knows what reason. She dammit still donated a half thousand crore in the happy heaven orphanage in name of Manasvi Deshmukh just for Mallika's happiness. That Unconditional love. How is anyone capable of that?

Shivaay on the other hand was on a whole other tangent. Holding his head in between his palms, he felt guilty for going behind her back. For learning her story from a third person. Guilty for the words he said in the past. Yet he couldn't help the swelling pride in his heart. He always knew Annika can withstand everything. His beasty, couldn't be bent by a storm. That's why he associated her with the Devi, they were his instincts. Devi who was both holy and a holocaust, same like his beasty.

He always felt goddess in her but now he wants to question the entire world how they never saw that in her. It's so evident. In situations where people give up on life, his beasty became life itself. God the pride he felt in the moment. She survived, she lived and despite every heartbreak still loved. Only Annika is capable of that!

Considering how he reminds her of that man, he knew he should maintain his distance. Leave her alone, in peace but when it comes to her. He is selfish. He wants her in his life. He needs her in his life and he knew if anyone is capable of looking above the point that he is Shikhar's son. It is definitely Annika. Only Annika is capable of that!

Today she actually proved that 'She can do anything!'

"Shiv---" Mallika tried to break the silence but Shivaay stood up "It's better to not have any further conversation Mallika. I don't want to say something harsh at the moment" He exhaled "Just want to say one small thing, you never deserved her! You neither deserved her then nor now."

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