7.||You Love Galaxies||

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(n.) the act of mentally undressing someone


"So you mean to say, you are going to make Shivaay fall in love with you?" asked Rohit perplexed, it was yet another session with Annika and Rohit had briefly arranged aspirin for him.

"Yes, He is one of those good ones. When he accepts, he love me. He won't marry my sister because according to his moral ground it would be cheating. Conclusion he would break his marriage with her and my sister's dream would be shattered" explained Annika rolling the paper weight insouciantly, like she just didn't shared her malevolent plan of destroying her own sister's wedding.

"How are you so sure he would fall in love with you?" asked Rohit again.

"He feels for me, he hates it but he can't control it. In a group of thousand people his eyes keep wandering toward me every now and then, to give a mature rated version, his eyes undress me every time I come in front of him yet his needs are far away from just sex" replied Annika, her eyes slightly twinkling with a very soft smile on her lips that she didn't realize but being a professional Rohit didn't miss.

"and after that, what about Shivaay?" asked Rohit

"What about him? He would move on eventually after he learns I was just using him.........well he anyway knows I am using him to hurt Mallika" answered Annika in an obvious tone.

"It's not easy to move on Annie, especially when you love someone. Tell me one thing is Shivaay like his father?" asked Rohit, eyes worried because he knew well that if Annika said she will make Shivaay fall in love with her, she will. He was worried for the man, he never met because if Annika decided to break him, she would shatter him apart and he doesn't deserve it.

"No, he isn't at all like his father. Yes he tends to say things that are rude and mean but he realize it, he apologize. It's just a pathetic attempt of him to push away the feelings he have for me. He checks me out but yet his eyes maintain my dignity. He listen to me with interest not to gain anything but just because he is curious. He appreciates my intelligence more than my looks. It's been just a month I know him but he is different. Despite his insane attraction toward me he doesn't make any move because that boring goody two shoes respect his relationship with my sister and that's commendable comparing the men I came across in my life" answered Annika, her eyes holding the same rare twinkle, while lips softly curved in an almost invisible smile.

"What?" asked Annika looking at Rohit who was watching her with a guise full of amazement.

"You have that look on your face Annika" answered Rohit, a wide smile on his face.

"What look?" asked Annika, confused.

"The look that you have on your face when you talk about galaxies" replied Rohit,

"So?" she again asked, thinking he had gone nuts.

"you love galaxies"

His sentence was followed by a moment of silence before Annika dramatically held her head in her hands "What the fuck? Why didn't I realize it" she cried to which Rohit held her hand "Hey It's okay, sometime we are confused with our feelings. You are feeling for Shivaay----"

She interrupted him "Exactly, why didn't I realize? I am having a sexual itch toward Mr Goody two shoes as well. It's two way. He is handsome; there is no denying to the fact so it's natural to have a sexual attraction toward him."

'That's not what I mean------"Rohit was again interrupted by Annika "So technically I need to remove this sexual itch---------it would create distraction in my plan" Rohit held his hand, already feeling a migraine forming.

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