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"You are kidding me Annika? You brought me to the wedding of one of the most wanted criminals of the time

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"You are kidding me Annika? You brought me to the wedding of one of the most wanted criminals of the time. The leader of the highlighted group under Interpol and you want me to behave. Seriously?" asked a freaked out Shivaay trying to run away but was held back by Annika who was glaring Ales who in turn was laughing his heart out seeing a shit scared Shivaay. He was now one hundred percent confirm that Shivaay was nothing like the Senior Oberoi, he had once met. This guy was one of those too good ones.

"Shivaay relax chill. Take a deep breath" Annika tried to calm him down, grateful that most of the guest have moved inside the church.

"Take a breath? My foot" snapped Shivaay, looking at Ales who raised his hand in mock surrender with a laugh "He was your ex. You wanted to attend his wedding. Fine. You wanted to do the titanium deal with him. Fine. But he is a freaking Mafia. You can't expect me to deal with him forget attending his wedding."

"Shivaay. Relax. He is still Ales. I dated him for over a year. I know him well enough. He isn't dangerous for us. I even dumped his ass. See he did nothing to me" said Annika to which Ales frowned "I am feeling offended at this."

"You shut up" said Annika "Who asked you to tell him this?"

"He would have anyway guessed in a while" replied Ales, with a casual shrug of his shoulder. Indicating the obviousness of the situation.

"He wouldn't have. He is too good for that. He would have just though you are some important minister or senate needing protection that's it" replied Annika and Shivaay looked at her with gaping mouth at how accurately she knew what he would have or was thinking.

"I am leaving" declared Shivaay to which Annika exhaled a tired breath before replying "Fine you go but I am staying. It's Clara's wedding. I am not going to ditch it" Ales frowned at this "Hey! It's my wedding too."

"If you said a word more, I am gonna draw all the six bullets in your head and this time I won't miss a single mark" snapped Annika at Ales who zipped his mouth with a fake surrender.

Shivaay just glared angrily "Fine. You stay here. I am going" He turned, took five steps toward the gate then stopped, exhaled in defeat and walked back "I hate you" he muttered to Annika before walking straight inside the church.

Ales looked at this with jaw almost dropping on the ground "What just happened?" Annika who was looking at the way Shivaay left with a smile turned toward Ales with a chuckle "He is marrying Mallika, he considers me his family. He thinks I'm not safe here. He wouldn't leave me alone. Shivaay can even die for his family."

"Someone like I know" said Ales with a knowing smile to which Annika shook her head "Come, we need to start with the wedding procedures. I don't have all day to waste on you" With this she walked back toward the bridal room.

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