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(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are 

) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are 

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The voice of Shikhar Singh Oberoi reverberated in Oberoi Head office as he barged inside the CEO's cabin while pushing Mishra, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's assistant at a side. Everyone around were scared to say the least, they knew well enough about the feud between the father and son and also knew that just how good Shivaay is, the worse is Shikhar Singh Oberoi.

"How dare you?" Shikhar asked fuming, while Shivaay looked up from the file he was reading. Amused but not at all surprised. In fact, he was waiting for this outburst since last one week.

It had been two weeks since he got to know about Annika's life story and from the moment, she left him on beach he didn't get time to talk to her. She didn't come back next day and then for some emergency work had to leave for California the very same evening. Om who had an art seminar there as well joined her too. He was actually happy Om accompanied her, Om was really good at handling sensitive situations.

"Hey Dad! Long time no see ha. Were you not in country?" Shivaay stood up, giving a sign to Mishra to leave them alone. He then pretended to look at Shikhar's left and right "Oh wait? Where are your bodyguards? And no new mistress? Come-on father you are getting out of character."

"Cut the crap Shivaay? How dare you sell the legality rights of CIT6 to the Nashikh's?" Shikhar was really furious when after returning from Chicago he got to know that Shivaay sold the production rights of the CIT6 model to their rivals. It was their main production whose patent right they held ever since the time of Prithviraj Singh Oberoi.

"Well, I felt like so I did. When the division of Oberoi empire occurred between you and me, the rights went to both of us and the production profit too came to both of us. But you never made the rights to sell it as mutual agreement. It could be anyone of us and I sold it" replied Shivaay ever so casually, before picking up as glass of water and forwarding to Shikhar "Now calm down, you have an old age heart. We wouldn't want a heart attack over it. Would we?"

"You know that was your grandfather's hard work that you sold in such a small amount and it was the highest grossing profit for the empire---" Shikhar frowned seeing Shivaay yawning, sitting on the couch of his cabin. What was wrong with this boy? He never made the rights, mutual agreement because he have never expected Shivaay to destroy something which is his grandfather's legacy. Shivaay is too good and family oriented for that.

"You done?" he stood up again "So let me explain with one damn sentence I know what you did" His face was stone cold, no impulsive anger. At this moment he matched to Shikhar's deadly calmness more than ever "I know what you did with Annika."

Shikhar didn't react even if he was shocked, he chuckled. He laughed crazily before pulling a chair and sitting on it cross-legged "So all that for buttercup---"

Beauty is the Beast[Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now