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(n.) a particular period of time in history or a person's life


Yes yes i know I am back after long. But things with university have been a little too hectic. Even now with my final semester. It's not easy but I really do want to at least complete this book. So i will try my best to be as regular as possible. The response on this chapter would determine if i will continue or not. Because I really don't want to spend my time here if none of you are reading. 

Also I appreciate everyone who have loved and waited for this books. Your comments have always inspired me to continue writing. I hope some of you who are still here would continue to show their support. Lots of love homies!

"Annika—" Ales beamed, looking at Annika as she got down from the private jet followed by Shivaay "I missed you Mon Amour

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"Annika—" Ales beamed, looking at Annika as she got down from the private jet followed by Shivaay "I missed you Mon Amour."

He came forward to take her into his arms but Shivaay took a step ahead and put himself first, taking Ales into a side hug much to his annoyance and Annika's snickering "I missed you too Ales" he worded, sarcasm dripping to its best.

"Just because, my girl is apparently in love with you, don't jump over your ability Oberoi" snapped Ales, pushing Shivaay away and taking Annika in a side hug who chuckled at the two. After completing all their immediate works, both Shivaay and Annika came to Vegas to visit Ales and Clara who were nearing the delivery date.

"How is Clara?" asked Annika, giving her hand to Shivaay's offered one much to Ales' annoyance and Shivaay's smug look. Ales looked for a second at Annika and then at Shivaay, relishing the sweet-sour ache of seeing the first love of his life with someone else. It wasn't jealousy. Just a very beautiful sour feeling.

Smiling he answered "She is in the medical section, the due date is near so they are keeping her under observation, Other than the anxiousness of the impending arrival of the baby she is all fine."

They settled in the car, moving toward the Siciliano Mansion "How are you" asked Shivaay, after few moments "How does it feels that you are soon going to be a father?" Annika looked at Shivaay at that question before releasing a breath and focusing on her phone. There was nothing she could do about this point.

"Well, it's surreal---I don't know. It's difficult to explain the feeling------"Ales fiddled with his phone "I am a little scared too, because I don't know---the baby is such a delicate joy in the world we live in---and I am quite nervous about being the father she deserves."

"She?" asked Annika, raising an eyebrow.

"I want a girl" He answered, with a shrug "a little Clara with that impeccable kindness and strength. I so wanted to find the gender of the baby beforehad but Clara want it to be a surprise."

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