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(n.) delusions of happiness 

"Annika, can you hear me?" a voice reverberated through her foggy mind

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"Annika, can you hear me?" a voice reverberated through her foggy mind. She moved her arm rapidly trying to find an anchor, something to hold on to that could pull her from this darkness. Her hand came in contact with someone's cotton overcoat but she left it, moving her hand around before a familiar palm held them.

"It's okay, if you can hear me. I want you to squeeze on the hand you are holding" The unfamiliar voice made her light head ache a bit but she squeezed the hand letting the familiarity of that touch wash over her.

"Shivaay" she breathed, recognizing the roughness of those palms even with the light-headedness.

"That's real good Annika, the lights are dimmed so now I want you to try and open your eyes slowly. Take your time though" the voice again said and she tried to open her eyes which was little difficult in starting as they felt they were stuck together, then somehow peeling her eyelids she struggled with the patchiness in her vision and irritability of the light. Finally, after quite a few tries her eyes found staring into a known pair of black eyes.

"Very good! Now look into this light, It may hurt a bit but it's important. Look into it without moving your head" The doctor said and then shined a small flashlight side-to-side. She scrunched her eyelids as it hurt her head but yet followed the command.

The Doctor then turned off the light and smiled "Perfect, your vitals are perfect. Brain injuries are completely healed up. Please have this mixture to ease your throat" He forwarded her a glass with straw letting her sip the mixture that was thicker than water but thinner than oil and tasted a little sweet with just a tinge of salt.

"What is your name?" The Doctor asked before she could bring herself to move her neck and look around her peripheral vision at the person whose hand she was still gripping. Her Shivaay.

"Wh—' she coughed a bit, her voice coming out hoarse "What kind of question is this? You don't know who I am? Dr. Annika Shivaay Deshmukh duh!"

She could hear a chocked laugh around the room and first tilted her head a bit, feeling stiffness in her neck. Her eyes met the familiar blue-green eyes and she tried to pull him closer to herself by pulling his hand she was gripping but the weakness in her body didn't support much.

He moved closer to her, still not believing his eyes. It still felt like a fever dream that she was awake. Even though the entire night went with the doctor checking her vitals and preparing for her to wake up as soon as he told them about her whisper.

"Shivaay" She whispered in a soft voice, struggling with the stiffness in her face before curling up her lips in that trademark smirk "Look who is back?"

He couldn't help the teary chuckle at those words. Expect his Beasty to behave this way right after waking up from a coma of months. He picked up their intertwined hands and kissed over her palm again and again. Trying to make his brain believe that she was actually awake, that this wasn't another of his sick mind play.

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