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(n.) a dull ache of the soul, a sick pining, a spiritual anguish


Happy Choti Holi homies!

Still here and yup play the song in the above media box where it is put in chapter. It's beautiful so---🫰

"So Ishana, do you know Annika personally or just through your profession?" Shivaay asked as all of them settled in the garden to enjoy a brunch

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"So Ishana, do you know Annika personally or just through your profession?" Shivaay asked as all of them settled in the garden to enjoy a brunch. Annika sitting between Shivaay and Rudra while Om and Ishana sat in front of them.

"Oh, I know her very personally" Ishana winked at Annika making her roll her eyes as she took a sip of the wine.

"Should I consider your sexual orientation as bi Beasty? You know Ishana seems awfully in love with you" teased Shivaay, enjoying Annika's discomfort at Ishana's show of affection. Unlike everyone else who get deterred by Annika's behaviour, Ishana just seems to love her even more.

"She isn't sexy enough for me" replied Annika taking another bite.

"Oh, come-on I am really sexy. Right Omkara?" Ishana turned to Om who flushed again for the nth time since he met this ball of energy. She chuckled, he flushes so easily and it was so adorable. Ishana wasn't a regular flirt; she was just awfully chatty but Om's reactions were making her go on and on.

"You need to stop teasing Om" commented Annika, through she loved how the deep thinking mature Om seem to be tongue tied with Ishana. She had never seen him flushed like this. Om was always too self-contained to be taken aback by someone but guess, he wasn't ready to deal with someone this energetic and outgoing.

"He is the only one single here, I can't help" Ishana shrugged off "By the way who cooked the food. It's really delicious!"

"Shivaay did" answered Om taking a bite. Looking at Ishana with a wonder. This girl was such a literal ball of sunshine. He had never seen someone so happy with life that even the scar on her face doesn't seem to dull her light. She was like spring. Full of life.

"But we helped" immediately spoke Rudra. There was no way he was letting go of a credit.

"By just eating while we were cooking" corrected Om to which Rudra frowned at him throwing an olive at his face but he just chuckled.

"You are really good with this Shivaay" appreciated Ishana, taking another bite "I have had Italian cuisine at many places but the way you blend it with Indian touch. Delicious. You should open a restaurant. I would be your regular customer."

"Thank you" Shivaay chuckled as she spoke mouthful. He looked at Annika who was looking at Ishana with that tinge of affection. She doesn't show it but apparently, she loved her all the same and Ishana despite lack of show seem to know it.

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