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(adj.) uncaring, unconcerned, emotionally uninvested 

"I hope you rot in hell and no one ever gets a mother like you

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"I hope you rot in hell and no one ever gets a mother like you. Good forever night Mo---' She chucked, the smirk extending "Mrs. Gonsalves."

And those were the last words Garima Gonsalves heard before she breathed her last and the beep sound echoed in the room.

A damned silence was what followed as Annika took steps back while the doctor checked Garima's pulse, and then closed her opened eyes "I am sorry. She is no more." He gave a sympathetic look before leaving the room.

"Ma---maa" Gauri's voice broke as she went near her mom, with a shaking hand she touched her face and shirked back, overwhelmed. The thought that she would never hear her mother's voice again. She would never be able to keep her head in her lap and go to sleep. All the thoughts overwhelmed her senses as she fell on the floor crying.

Everyone looked at her sympathetically while Shivaay's eyes stayed on Annika. Even if she had no emotional bond with Garima, the death of the person who gave her birth is still a big blow. He wished she showed that pain instead of standing there looking at the dead body with absolute disdain and Gauri with a boring look.

"Come on everyone drama over. Let's leave the dead body along with its owner" announced Annika, in a cold tone "Let's have dinner. I am hungry. Layman serve the----"

She stopped when Gauri held her hand, still on the floor. Annika looked down at Gauri who in turn looked at her with bloodshot eyes. The grief and loss, now directed as rage "How could you?"

"And here comes another dose of melodrama" Muttered Annika, then looked at her with a sardonic smile "Can we keep this for tomorrow? I am hungry and you probably need to cry near this dead body?"

"She is your mother" yelled Gauri, standing up.

"Wrong grammar. Not is. She was. Do you see dead people are was" replied Annika with a grin, and then raised an eyebrow "Aren't you an English teacher? I feel pity for your students. Future rui----"

"Shut up just shut up" Gauri yelled, but all Annika did was look at her amusingly before letting out a chuckle "Sure sweetheart. I am in a really good mood today so go ahead I'll bite being your therapist."

"She---she was guilty" Gauri's voice broke "She was guilty when she got to know all that you went through. I don't know because she didn't tell me but she still didn't deserve this" She took a step closer "She is the one who gave you birth. She kept you in her womb for nine months. You couldn't even give her a peaceful death?"

"I mean. When did I play item songs on her death? I guess this room is pretty peaceful" replied Annika with an oh-so innocent smile "Should I have kept her in a vacuum where not even sound waves could reach?"

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