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Week passed in Deshmukh Residence with the clashing of fire and ice

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Week passed in Deshmukh Residence with the clashing of fire and ice. Named Annika and Shivaay. While she was hell bent on proving that she has moved on, Shivaay didn't accept any bait. None were ready to give up. Driven by their own sense of reasons and judgement. They both were crossing each other decisions for sake of the other one only.

While Annika kept hurting him for what she felt is better for him, he kept ruling out all her choices for her. The fight was with each other for each other.

On the other side Garima's health just worsened. She couldn't even leave her room now and every specialist Annika could contact have given up on the case. Gauri felt so helpless at the moment and her days went in tears meanwhile she just couldn't get how oblivious Annika acted.

She would just through Layman send any possible specialist to check over Garima, not one word of empathy, not one tear. She would just be involved either in her work on her twisted love life. It really upset Gauri, how her elder sister had no second thought that their mother was on her death bed. Didn't tragedies like this bring people close and let them forgive all the past mistakes?

"Layman do you think her smile looks creepy?" asked Annika who was working on upgradation of her previously programmed humanoid robot "And her neck kind of twist weird?"

"The smile stretch is 36.8 degree in obtuse than a normal human smile which is making it look odd and I think you should ask them to change the material used for neck, the metallic frame twist is right. It's the material that causing wrinkles and making it look weird. Also, you need to change the time frame for the blink of her eye. It's way too fast for a normal human." Annika nodded noting the points putting back her working glasses.

"I have a question" It was Liam and Annika rolled her eyes. This man was so useless sitting and annoying her. Even Shivaay was for now busy with his online conference meeting.

"Why are you calling it a she?" asked Liam, without waiting for her approval as he munched on the thirteenth set of snacks Layman made for him.

"Doesn't she look like a woman?" asked Annika pointing at the shutdown humanoid robot. It was pretty obvious with her frame.

"Yes, like you did give her breast like a woman and that whole hour glass figure" Liam chuckled "Is she is model or what? And who does she look like?"

"I have worked on her brain and her ability to mimic human nature and emotions not her figure and skin. That's done by Danielle" she replied, working on the codes "and she isn't a model. Her name is Zaya and she is a consultor."

"She is a what?" asked Liam amused.

"Dude I didn't shutter" replied Annika while going through the coding of Zaya "She is a consultor. A kind of companion for people who are depressed. Unlike humans' robots don't judge. She is programmed to initiate conversation with people suffering from depression and help them say out their issues. People many times aren't able to share it with a human."

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