6.||Moon of Another Sun||

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(n.) The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own

) The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own

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Why is it so hard to just ignore her?

That's the thought Shivaay had all the while he was in lift, moving up from Annika's lab to the Deshmukh residence hall. He came here for work purpose but all Annika did was insult him and his family. He wanted to just disregard her, ignore her but he couldn't and it terrified him.

People mock him for what his father did every now and then but he had learned to just ignore it and it never affected him but when she says it he hurts, hurts deeply. He never cared how people saw him but he cared how she saw him. He wanted to see respect for him in her eyes and he didn't know why?

Lost in his thought he didn't comprehend when he bumped into Mallika who was coming from the other side busy in some papers "Hold on Mr. Day Dreamer" Mallika hailed him while picking up the papers that fell, Shivaay bend down to help her, apologizing "I am so sorry Mallika, I—I was just---well I just met your sister for work. You can understand my state of mind"

Mallika tittered at his words "What did she do now?"

"Well same old- Annika being Annika" replied, Shivaay passing her the papers after arranging them "remind me why we are still enduring her?"

"Because I love her more than anyone or anything in this world" Mallika replied without missing a beat, her eyes lost in some far distant memory Shivaay couldn't untangle.

"Only you could love someone like her"

She smiled before holding his hand "I can't tell her story to you but let me tell you Shivaay, She wasn't always heartless, she wasn't always cold, cruel and calculating, at one point in life, she was the most caring, warm-hearted, loving person you could meet. She was always open to new people, accepted everyone in her life, very kind and welcoming, but all that changed after she was broken over and over again. She got hurt and was shattered beyond the point of repair. To save herself, she killed her mind. She killed all of the qualities people loved about her because she thought they were her weakness. She became unrecognizable, her heart wasn't open to being broken again, so she got rid of the girl she had been. She changed; she came back a completely different person with a new mindset, a new outlook, A new soul. The girl who once cared way too much about everyone and everything no longer cared at all."

Shivaay was silent for a moment, his eyes marveled about the Annika, Mallika just described. Would he ever get to meet that Annika, the one who cared and loved unconditionally?

In some deep, dark corner of his heart something stirred as the thought of being close to her arose, to know her behind her mask. To hold the broken Annika not to heal but share her pain!

"I agree Mallika everyone have their damaged past, you, me; we all have but it doesn't give us the right to be bad to others. Just because Annika have faced the evils, she doesn't get the license to be evil to others" spoke Shivaay, his eyes turning toward the way he came from as if hoping to see her again.

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