1.||Perfection is Overrated||

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(n.) one who is attracted to or aroused by intelligence in others

"Karuna dii where is today's newspaper?" Shivaay asked a helper as he settled on the settee while sipping his Americano

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"Karuna dii where is today's newspaper?" Shivaay asked a helper as he settled on the settee while sipping his Americano. Acknowledging the Help who conceded him today's The Corporate Times he looked at the front page and a grin formed on his face "and here you are again on the front page leading above all of us." His voice held respect with a shade of Jealousy as he read the headline "Annika Jayant Deshmukh, the leading Science Intellect and Business Magnate marks another $500 million deal."

He esteemed this lady and her business abilities like anything. She had about 600 patents in her and her company, Umbra's name. Her Business skills were God gifted. Within just few years of coming into limelight her company dethroned every other contender in the Arcade. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Annika was Shivaay's celebrity crush from years.

Being a Businessman himself Shivaay couldn't help but be envious of her a bit. Oberoi Empire once gave a tough competition to Umbra but all thanks to his father who rampaged their life both professionally and personally Shivaay had a hard time rebuilding the broken pieces. Although they aren't leading they are still doing Good.

His Father, Shikhar Singh Oberoi left his mother, his wife, and his sons for his mistresses. He gave divorce to his mother splitting the business into half leaving the most dented part to them. Shivaay hates him more than he hates anything in life. He hate him for cheating over his mother all these years. She still stuck by his side even after knowing everything only to be left alone by the person she treasured the most in her life.

He was reading the news when two soft hands wrapped around his cyan blue eyes and a wide smile formed on his face "Guess who?" he heard the euphonious voice of his Girlfriend "Who else my Sunshine" answering he pulled her settling her on his lap "Damn you always get to know. This isn't fair" She complained enfolding her arms around his neck.

He chuckled, concentrating back on the News to which she sulked and taking the paper from his hand, rolled her eyes "You look at my sister's picture way more than you look mine. Sometime I feel like you love her not me." Shivaay smiled and keeping the paper at a side encircled his hand around her waist.

"Are you jealous of your own sister soon to be Mrs. Mallika Shivaay Singh Oberoi?"

"Of course I am jealous, almost each morning I find you reading about my sister. Damn the first time we met your first question was 'You are Annika Jayant Deshmukh's Sister?' Decide Mr. whether you love me or her?" Shivaay snickered at her question and then levitating his one eyebrow said impishly "Of course I love your sister only. Why wouldn't I? She is gorgeous, smart, and efficacious. She is everything a man wants in his better half but since she is way out of my confederacy I have to be content with her sister only".

Mallika's jaw fell listening to him and he spurt into a laugh seeing her reaction "You debauch" she hit his hard chest with her small fist that did nothing but made him laugh even more. Puffing her face in aggravation she draped her arms around her chest and looked on the other side "Okay I am Sorry. On a serious note any special reason to visit me this early?" Shivaay asked after he had his share of laugh.

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