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(n.) an intense desire to keep kissing 

"The weapon deal with the Russian military have been signed for the next twenty years on our condition to alter it if needed

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"The weapon deal with the Russian military have been signed for the next twenty years on our condition to alter it if needed. The new branches of Allure Artificial Intelligence research institute have been opened in Mexico and Sandra Winters have been appointed as the head-------" Soumya stopped seeing Annika clearly not interested. She was adjusting the arm of a humanoid robot with so much force that it was not settling well "-------and your left-over patents have been renewed" She ended looking over at Liam who shrugged his shoulder.

Soumya sighed, Annika was clearly distressed but she wouldn't share. "Hell with this---" Annika bellowed, breaking the half-attached arm pushing away the robot. It pisses her off even more that she isn't able to work. How is it that even her brain for once not cooperating with her?

"An---" Soumya started but Annika looked at her with pointed eyes "No speeches Soumya. I heard what you said, you can go back to your work."

Soumya exhaled, turning the call off. She then called the one person she could think about. Maybe she can't tell him anything but she can at least talk to him.

"Hey Sumo" Rudra greeted from other side.

"How many time do I have to tell, stop calling me that" She snapped but her voice was low.

"Wow you didn't actually bite me with your words this time so let me guess you now know what Annika dii did?"

"Well---yes. She didn't tell me before. I got to know just now when I called her but I am sorry I can't share with you why" she replied, going through another file. Rudra shook his head at how workaholic she is, totally opposite to him "So what does your brother hate her now?"

"Nope" replied Rudra "He was pretty upset till morning but like now he has some plan because he knows Annika dii love him" Rudra escaped from telling how he knows; he doesn't want to create any problem for Clara.

"What plan?" asked Soumya looking up from the file.

"He didn't tell. I suggested to make her jealous but he refused" shrugged Rudra "he said he doesn't want to hurt Annika dii's feelings if she actually loves him. He says, a fire isn't extinguished by creating another fire. Stupid! Right?"

Soumya smiled "Not really. He just loves her way too much to even hurt her when she did. His love doesn't have place for revenge." She stretched her sore fingers before continuing "He gets it that she hurt him for a reason and doesn't want to hurt her without any. Especially for her who for once just desire to be someone's priority."

"What hurts come-on? When she will get jealous, she would confess why she did what she did?" asked Rudra with his logic sign and Soumya exhaled. Why does she even like this dumb man? Annoyingly adorable dumb man!

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