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(n.) a battle against inner demons, fighting your shadow

"Leave me please-----what did I do?" Romi struggled, wincing at the woman who pulled her hair back and slapped her once again

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"Leave me please-----what did I do?" Romi struggled, wincing at the woman who pulled her hair back and slapped her once again. Another continuous sob escaped her lips. Her eyes looked at her friends from a peripheral view who were tied in four chairs and had a state similar to hers. They got a text message from Rudra to come and take the cash money but when they came there, they were ambushed by a bunch of men and women.

"Think once again what did you do Ms. Mathur?" a deep voice reverberated through her ears as she struggled to look at the person walking up to her, teary eyes made it hazy to see. Struggling through the numbing pain in her head and bleeding lips she looked up to see a man dressed in creaseless Italian suit. Her eyes looked into his hazel blue eyes that looked dead cold.

It took her some minute considering her aching injuries and numbing pain in head to recognize who he is, Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Rudra's elder brother!

"You-----" she started but was interrupted by Shivaay who bend to her level, held her aching jaw in a tight grip with two fingers and said in a voice that could send chills across anyone's body "Great. So, you know me. Won't have to waste time on introductions, Right Ms. Mathur?"

He pushed her face away, wiping his two fingers in a handkerchief "And you must be aware why you five are here in this state or do I need to recite the whole tale?"

"Sir---I---" one of the boys started but flinched when Shivaay walked up to him in long strides "uh-huh don't try kid. I am not listening excuses. You messed up bad and with a really wrong person."

"We are so sorry sir------" another one started only to receive a punch from the man standing beside him while Shivaay announced in a dangerous staccato "When I said don't speak. I mean it! DON'T YOU DARE OPEN YOUR MOUTH!"

"Since you kind of lead this group, lemma talk with you Ms Mathur" said Shivaay with a sadistic grin, pulling up a chair and sitting in front of Romi, who could feel the goosebumps on her skin. Wasn't Shivaay Singh Oberoi, the gentleman good guy?

"Come-on tell me the excuse you have of the mental torture you made my brother go through? An excuse why I had to feel the risk of losing two people who mean so much to me. Not that your excuse would matter. I would still let you amuse yourself and me?"

"Pl—please I am sorry. Don't call the police please—" cried Romi to which Shivaay burst into a fit of laughter, a laugh that send shudders through everyone present there.

"Khanna, she really thinks I am going to inform the police" Shivaay looked over at his loyal bodyguard who just stood by his side without uttering a world. The sole witness of this dark side of Shivaay Singh Oberoi. The side which occurs when someone wrongs his family. Last time he saw it when Om was being framed in a false art smuggling case and today for Rudra.

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