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 (n.) a place from which once strength is derived, where one feel home. The place where you are your most authentic self.


Warning: A pretty long chapter and kind of emotionally draining  

One Single Moment, it takes one single moment for life to turn one eighty degrees

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One Single Moment, it takes one single moment for life to turn one eighty degrees. Sitting in front of medical outhouse of Deshmukh's residency with his light blue shirt stained with blood, eyes red with unshed tears and worry. Feet tapping anxiously while hands joined, holding the weight of a defeated mind. He couldn't decide what was worse? What happened or what could have happened?

"Shivaay, she would be okay. You know Annika. That girl wouldn't let anything go against how she wants" said Siddharth sitting by his side, keeping his palm over Shivaay's shoulder. He let out a painful breath "She wasn't supposed to be here Sid. She wasn't supposed to be the one to get hurt. I shouldn't have let her get hurt. I should have been able to save this----"

"I know you would have but I am sorry Shivaay I am selfish. While you may love your brother endlessly to run in the middle of road for him, I am selfish to hold you back because I can't and won't loose my best friend. I better see you broken like this than see you on that hospital bed. I am sorry for what happened with Annika but I still don't regret holding you back" said Sid, his voice heavy. He doesn't regret holding Shivaay back, but the guilt that he couldn't hold back Annika was just as heavy.

"She has nothing to do with this Sid. It was my freaking brother who for God knows what reason was trying to kill himself right in front of my eyes. She doesn't owe him. She doesn't owe me but still here she is----------" His voice reverberated while Rudra flinched, heart heavy with so much guilt and regret that it was feeling hard to breath. From the moment Annika pushed him and got hit by the Hyundai, his brothers haven't said a word and he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Yes, he regrets his attempt of suicide now. It was an impulsive decision taken out of helplessness. He regrets for what he put Shivaay and Om through. Om haven't even looked at him let alone talk. And Shivaay, he at the moment looked like a man defeated from all prospect of life.

And then there was Annika. The girl who from the moment he met insulted him, his mother, his brother. The girl who walks like she owns the place and doesn't give one cent before making another feel low. It suddenly felt like the girl who kicked the photo frame of Mallika's late mother and the girl who just today risked her own life to save him are two completely different person.

"You handled the police and press?" asked Shivaay, trying to force his brain to act and handle the situation. Siddharth gave a small smile "Your beasty doesn't leave any work for us Shivaay. Just like how the moment the accident happened, help reached. Similarly, Layman informed me that until Annika allows, any accident concerning her isn't acted up by the police department until she allowed of course until its life taking. Neither do press release any news regarding her without her permission." He let out a chuckle at how much Annika control everything around her "There were some public posts by the people out there on social media but they were taken down as well by the respective portals."

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