12.||Angels Desire Sin||

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(n.) lack of self control

) lack of self control

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"Las Vegas?"

Did I stutter?" asked Annika, rolling her eyes at Shivaay's behavior of repeating her words "you need titanium for your project. All other raw materials can be arranged easily but getting the permission for importing such a large amount of titanium would take months and we don't have so much time. The league for Oberoi's name is by the end of this year. I have an alternative source."

Shivaay looked at her working effortlessly on a new machine and couldn't help but shift closer to her to see what she was actually doing. Her fingers worked expertly soldering some chips and wires inside and she was doing as if she doesn't even need to think what she was doing.

'Damn her brain' muttered Shivaay. His biggest attraction toward her was her sharp mind, her intelligence and it sucked.

They were in her lab in Deshmukh residence working on the details of raw material import and Shivaay's eyes would just not leave Annika and the way she worked. "Layman feed code 38FC29" commanded Annika after soldering all the pieces.

"Work in progress. Heavy coding would take time to activate" replied Layman, joining the new model with two wires before adding "Prepared lemon tart and raspberry juice for you. Take a break." 

"I love you Layman" beamed Annika "Send it in the Hall" she removed her gloves and started moving out of the lab when Shivaay who till now was looking at the new machine in amazement and childlike wonder followed her "What does that one do?"

"Nothing much. It's an education device giving a three dimensional explanation of every subject with visual touch for experimentation process" she replied with a shrug moving forward leaving behind an awestruck Shivaay who stood frozen for a second gabbling "and this isn't much?"

"Are you coming or not?" asked Annika, from the lift and Shivaay rushed toward her. His mind replaying the erotic dream of both of them in the elevator, making him stiff that very second. Shifting as far away as possible in the elevator he fisted his palm in fear of acting over his own yearnings.

"So I know someone who could provide us Titanium in quite an amount at a low cost with almost negligible legal procedures" continued Annika but Shivaay was far more lost in his own day dreaming of the very same erotic dream to concentrate.

They reached the floor of the hall and Annika moved out of the lift but stopped to see Shivaay still there "Shivaay? Shivaay?" called Annike, Shivaay came out of the haze "Huh?"

"What happened?" she asked confused, seeing him sweating under Air conditioner. Shivaay shook his head coming out and his hand unconsciously grazed hers "What were you saying?"

"You seriously need to be present in the moment brother in law" taunted Annika, moving ahead "We would leave for Las Vegas by evening. Private Jet is ready. Go and pack your basic needs for two weeks. Don't ask me why two weeks. I have one more commitment."

Beauty is the Beast[Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now