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(n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full 


Yoo me back homies! 

Play the song above when needed okay? 

It's Tay song, you can't ignore it!

"Did you confess to her?" Gauri asked Om as they danced together, Rudra was dancing with Soumya while Ishana was dancing with Shivaay as Annika have excused herself for some call while Siddharth was sitting it down due to his cast and enjoying the...

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"Did you confess to her?" Gauri asked Om as they danced together, Rudra was dancing with Soumya while Ishana was dancing with Shivaay as Annika have excused herself for some call while Siddharth was sitting it down due to his cast and enjoying the food.

"Yes" replied Om, looking at her then released a breath "Gauri stop looking down on Annika just because I feel for her, she is your sister and my feelings aren't her fault."

"Just you defending her like always" she rolled her eyes "Ever since I came in her life, I had seen her with three men. First the man she married for god knows what reason, then Shivaay who is like mad after her forgiving her for anything and then there is you."

"There must be a reason, right?" He asked with a sigh "There must be a reason why both me and Shivaay are in love with her? Gauri, I know you haven't lived with her but she still helped you with the hospital debt and the house mortgage and everything didn't she?"

"And I am repaying it back to her. I just yesterday received the money of my father's insurance. I will repay her back and I am moving out this weekend. I am done living with her under her superiority complex!" She declared.

"Your father's insurance? Why is it coming this late and didn't you tell me your father was suffering from huge business debt and stuff?" asked Om, twirling and then holding her back in his arms.

"I don't know, the office person said that the papers were stuck and we never knew Papa had an insurance. He left about three crores as his insurance money" informed Gauri while Om looked at her with a slight frown. How could Richard Gonsalves buy an insurance so big if he was suffering debt and since he was killed, why would his insurance paper not be first checked over by the police. During the police investigation over the murder, it would have to come in front, stuck or not.

"But----" He stopped as he saw Annika on a call in the balcony, a chuckle left his mouth. It had to be her. This had Annika Jayant Deshmukh written all over it.

"What?" She turned to see where he was looking and frowned "Om, she rejected you. Come-on!"

"I wasn't looking at her for that. She---" he sighed, shaking his head "Never mind" Annika won't like him telling her this. He may have feelings for her but he would always still be her secret keeper and this would just be another secret he would keep within him.

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