2.||Hate your Happiness||

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Koi no yakan 

{ko-ee no yo-kan} Japanese 

(n.)The extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone that you will one day fall in love

)The extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone that you will one day fall in love

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"No need to repeat yourself sister. I ignored you just fine the first time"

She answered rolling her eyes as she kept walking toward the door. "Annika listen to me---- please" Mallika stood in front of her, interrupting her path making Annika scowl in annoyance "What?"

"I want to tell you I am dating someone---"

"Let me make it clear to you dear sister I am not at all interested in your personal life. You stay with me because of my promise to my father. I really don't care who you date or who you sleep with." She interrupted her and turned to leave when Mallika held her hand.

"I know you hate me--------"

"I don't hate you sister I am just not particularly excited about your existence. Now will you do me a favor and keep your ostentatious face out of my sight. I am still having jet lag and I don't have the energy to pretend to like you today."

She again interrupted her with a mock smile while Mallika just shook her head knowing her sister well enough "I know you hate me and you have a valid reason for that but it's been years can't you just forgive me and forget it?"

"Forgive and Forget? Neither I am God to forgive you nor do I have Alzheimer's to forget it so Thank you but no thank you for your suggestion."

"Annika-----" she was going to continue when Annika showed her hand, not wanting to deal with her drama "I am listening to whatever bullshit you have to say but for god sake stop digging the old graves".

Mallika sighed in defeat and repentance before continuing "I am dating Shivaay Singh Oberoi, we love each other and today his family is coming to finalize our engagement date. His Grandmother wants to talk to you before concluding the date."

"Fine I will be here. Now can I leave?" She answered nonchalantly trying to walk past her but Mallika again interjected "Now what?"

"Annika, Shivaay really appreciates your work and intelligence. Please don't make a scene today or be rude to him." She requested earnestly and at this moment Annika looked at her with complete attention "You really do care for him? Don't you?" a shrewd smile formed on her face as she took a step back, casing her arms around her chest she tilted her head just a bit "Damn sister you finally got a weakness, somewhere where I hit would hurt you like a bitch."

"Don't you dare Annika? Don't you dare hurt Shivaay? I love him, he is my happiness----------"

"And I hate your happiness"

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