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(v.) To suffer from, endure, undergo something negative


Guys? What were these wild theories you were coming up because of the last cliffhanger?



Shivaay being the villian and being attached to his father?

You guys seriously are ruined by ITV. Why go that wild and not think something normal? Probably that some one else hit her? 🫡😭☠️

The sound of phone ringing made Shivaay move his hand around the bed, a fogginess clouding his mind

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The sound of phone ringing made Shivaay move his hand around the bed, a fogginess clouding his mind. When his hand didn't come in contact with the familiar touch of his wife, a fear gripped his heart and he woke up with a jerk. He looked around the room but she wasn't there. He looked at the washroom but even that doesn't seem to be in use.

His eyes fell on his ringing phone and he picked it up getting down wearing his shirt. It was Om and he could see there were five missed calls from him. It was almost one am. How the hell did he sleep?

"Om---" He started but Om interrupted him "Shivaay where the hell are you? I know you love to spend time with Annika alone but dude we planned all this. Let us wish her too now."

Shivaay scrubbed his face, his gut clenching as he remembered her waiting for him in the balcony, the dance, the drink. The drink that was spiked. He had doubted it with her odd timing. That's why he threw away the rest after two sips.

She had drugged him!

He felt a sharp ache in his chest, sitting on the bed. Why did she do this? What is she doing? The fear of the unknown was suffocating him as he pulled his hairs both in confusion and senseless fear. 

"Shivaay you there?" Om called from the other side.

"Huh" He came out of his thoughts and dropped the call without any word "Where is Annika Layman?" He asked hoping against hope that whatever wrong he is thinking isn't true. That for ones his gut feeling is wrong.

"She has gone out for some work" answered Layman.

"Where?" he asked picking up his jacket to move outside the room, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. He is just overthinking. Everything is fine. He repeated continuously in mind.

"Track her location Layman" he ordered but stopped hearing Layman's reply "I can't tell her location to you Shivaay. It's her prime order not to let you track her and also you are suppose to stay inside the Deshmukh residence only."

"What do you mean not allowed to track her? Where the fuck is she Layman?"

"I can't tell" answered Layman "It's primary order from Annika."

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