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(n.) one who believes in the eternity of the soul

Shivaay moved his hands on the bed, still half asleep but when his hand didn't come across the familiar touch of his wife, a fear gripped his heart and he woke up with a jerk

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Shivaay moved his hands on the bed, still half asleep but when his hand didn't come across the familiar touch of his wife, a fear gripped his heart and he woke up with a jerk. He looked around the room but she wasn't there. He looked at the washroom but even that doesn't seem to be in use.

He rubbed his eyes, getting down the bed. He knew she might just be outside on a call or something but since last month there had been a fear gripping his gut. An unknown feeling that had been itching him up. It was the main reason he didn't want to come to this vacation but when Annika said she would accompany him, he was ready.

He knew his fear doesn't have a solid reason but the feeling was constant.

Walking outside the room, he looked at the main hall where the fire was still burning and then he heard some voices from the kitchen and a smile formed on his face. Of course, she would be there. She didn't have her dinner and she does get hungry.

Walking toward the kitchen he saw her sitting on the floor, still in his black shirt. The refrigerator was open and she was munching on a bun and drinking a bottle of juice.


She jerked at his voice, turning at his voice. The half-eaten bun still in her mouth, with crumbs all around her lips. Her hand holding a half empty bottle of mixed fruit juice and the refrigerator light shining over her complexion.

"What are you doing?" He asked wrapping his arms around her chest to control himself from kissing the hell out of that adorable girl sitting in the refrigerator.

Annika munched on the bun and drank the juice then gave a sheepish smile before shaking her head and making a frown "What? I couldn't sleep and this juice would have expired—" She looked at the expiry date of the juice "three months later---ahem!"

Shivaay just chuckled, before leaning to pick her up in his arms and placing her on the kitchen counter "You still hungry? Should I make something for you?"

Annika looked at him for sometime before giving a small nod "Someone ate the leftover dinner Shivaay." He chuckled kissing on the tip of her nose.

"I'll make something for you? Spaghetti?"

She smiled nodding and the smile on his face got wider. God, he loved the moments she let the child within herself out. Collecting the ingredients, he got himself on work while Annika talked about everything from how stupid Raghini and Tia are to how the GDP of India get affected due to heat waves and how there need to be some revolution in programming field. Shivaay just kept nodding and at moments kissing her. He has a genius, a child and a beasty all in one.

"Are you sleepy?" She asked once he was done cooking and forwarded her a spoon only after properly garnishing the dish. It had always amused her how particular Shivaay is about both look and taste whenever he cooks. He is really good at it and she doesn't realize how he doesn't see cooking as a passion.

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