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(n.) the joy that result from the misfortune of someone you dislike

"----And here is the last file" Shivaay locked everything in a small briefcase all set for the final hearing of Oberoi brand name

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"----And here is the last file" Shivaay locked everything in a small briefcase all set for the final hearing of Oberoi brand name. It had been three months to Annika's birthday and she was all fine now. Back to work. Back to taunting everyone around herself. Back to scheming into breaking Mallika's engagement. In short, life was normal.

"Shivaay---" Shivaay turned hearing his mother, Niharika Oberoi. He gave her a small smile "Come in Maa, I was just leaving for the hearing."

"I know—" She said with a small sad smile "You know I never wished for you to fight against your father. You both are Oberois, whosoever would lose this name today would be wronged."

Shivaay sighed, he could never understand his mother's unconditional love for that man. Still, he didn't rebuke, just softly held her palm "Maa, you know him. His ways. He had malign Oberoi name a lot. I swear for you I would have left it but this name, this brand. It is Dadu's legacy. His legacy deserves better."

"Hmmm—" was all she responded. Her heart just doesn't like her son going against his father. Shivaay shook her head "Please Maa, don't be upset. This is something I and my company worked a lot over. We deserve our name."

"I know" Niharika gave a small smile "So, is everything prepared?"

"Yes, I mean I am not sure what all Mr. Oberoi must have prepared for considering all his unconventional ways but thanks to Annika we are pretty prepared ourself" he replied, a small smile on his face as he remembered his beasty.

Niharika on the other hand frowned at that "Annika? Mallika's sister, right?"

Shivaay chuckled "Maa, you must be the only one who remark her as Mallika's sister. She is Annika Jayant Deshmukh. She is an introduction in herself." The pride in his voice was unmistakable.

"You and her seem to be spending a lot of time together recently" The undermining meaning in her words were unwittingly clear.

"What are you implying Maa?" asked Shivaay, with a frown.

"What I am implying is I hope you pushing your marriage with Mallika have nothing to do with Annika?" asked Niharika directly, she had always seen Shivaay's unconditional devotion toward this girl even before meeting her but somehow now it felt like was going overboard "While she might be an amazing entrepreneur, a mind-blowing science intellect. She isn't a family person Shivaay and the biggest prove is the way she talks with her own sister. I have met her only a handful of times but the girl lacks basic sense of respect even toward her elders."

"Maa—" Shivaay started, with a sigh "Annika is just a little different. She doesn't lack values of respect; she just doesn't force herself into something she doesn't believe. She is blunt on face. She won't criticize you on your back, she would just say what she feels on face" he then lightly shook his head "And I admire her maa, I care for her as a family, a friend. Whatever is happening between me and Mallika have nothing to do with her."

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