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(n.) one who loves life deeply and live it to the extreme 


My regularity is making me so proud!😂

"So where are you going?" asked Clara, eating her breakfast along with Ales, Annika and Shivaay, near her bed in the medical room

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"So where are you going?" asked Clara, eating her breakfast along with Ales, Annika and Shivaay, near her bed in the medical room. 

"Well, you and Ales have got an offspring. Me and Shivaay need to start the process even if it won't yield result, right? The process seems too good to avoid" Annika answered cheekily making Shivaay roll his eyes and Clara shake her head.

Ales on the other hand was just roaming his fork through the spaghetti. His mind still going through all the last day happenings. Trying to figure some way out. Find something to do for Annika without risking Clara and Faith.

"She means we are going on a date" cleared Shivaay, before frowning at Annika who was passing him the vegetables from her plate. She gave him a grin filling her mouth with the pasta.

"Are you a child? Leaving vegetables?"

"I don't like vegetables in my pasta" She answered "and you can spoil your girlfriend for some time can't you. At least for few months?"

"Why? You would change after it?" he asked, shaking his head. Wiping the sauce on the corner of her lips with his thumb "I know you; you would always stay the same" He licked the sauce from his thumb. That simple action bringing Annika's eyes to his lips!

He was definitely doing it deliberately!

"Well, I am awesome. I don't need to change" She shrugged her shoulder. Looking back at Ales, she rolled her eyes seeing him lost in his world.

"Complete your breakfast, I have some work with Ales. Then we can leave" Annika stood up, taking a sip of water. Ales, pushed his still leftover plate and picked up his blazer. He placed a kiss on a sleeping Faith's forehead and then shared a quick kiss with Clara, who looked at him worried. He has informed her that he is stressed about some gang members but this wasn't how she have ever seen him before.

Shivaay held Annika's hand "Where are you going?"

"Just some work stuff Shivaay" She pulled her hand, walking away with Ales and he sighed. She is hiding something; he knows but he can't even force her to tell. And it hurts him that she include Ales and not him. He tries his best not to let Ales and Annika's closeness bother him but moments like this and when he was crying holding Annika pinches out. It makes him frustrated. Downright furious.

"Hey, don't be upset" Clara called him, holding his hand to pull away the glass he was holding way too tightly. A few moments more and he might just have shattered it.

"Don't doubt on them okay, especially on Annika" Clara tried, keeping her hand on his.

"I am not doubting Clara but why the hell is he her secret keeper and not me?" His finger tapped on the table, incensed "He was her past and while I admire this bond they share a lot, there is only so much I can take. I am sorry, I am trying but it pisses me off at moments."

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