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(n.) A korean word. The connection between two people that can't be severed even when love turns to hate, there are still odd feelings between them that can't be shaken and a tenderness always stays.

 The connection between two people that can't be severed even when love turns to hate, there are still odd feelings between them that can't be shaken and a tenderness always stays

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"And you believed her? For real O? How could you?" Rudra asked aggravated. He had just come back from his college trip and got to know what all happened here from Annika's mother coming back to Annika's marriage.

"I don't know Rudy; it was so impossible to read her in that moment. Shivaay was so broken. It's been two weeks and he still just have submerged himself in work and would rarely visit home. He isn't even the Shivaay before he met Annika."

"For the love of god" He raised his hand coming to sit beside Om near the pool "O there was nothing to read just basic remembrance."

Om didn't say a word at this. He isn't able to figure out what to do ahead. Shivaay had completely shut himself out. The day he left Annika's residence he went to the farm house and didn't return for two days and then when he did, he pretended like nothing happened and just submerged himself in office work. Rarely visiting home.

Niharika have got yet another reason to condemn Annika and he doesn't know how to handle her.

"O, bhaiya only know that Annika dii saved his life" started Rudra "He haven't seen her in that moment. We did. There was no way it was a charity case or just her being good. She literally blackmailed a man, who was the age of her father have lost his daughter to sexual assault with the life of his eight-year-old son. She threatened to kill a kid for Bhaiya. That desperation. That even a person as dumb as me realize is only love."

"Do you think I don't get it Rudy? I do, okay? I know she love Shivaay" exhaled Om "But all what she said to Shivaay. She broke his self-esteem."

"Annika dii told me ones when I told her how degraded I felt that Romi used me for her sexual pleasure and financial stability. She told me that I don't need to feel degraded that my self-esteem is my own and no one can do anything to it until I allow it" said Rudra, seriously and Om had to take a double take to believe it was his dumb younger brother only. Guess, Rudra does know when to be sensible.

"And about words, remember when bhaiya was guilty after knowing everything about Annika dii. He told us all the harsh words he had said to her. From saying she deserve to live without a mother to she deserves what happened to her and that no one will cry over her grave. His words even though in anger were harsh too. If his words can be overlooked and forgiven so could Annika dii's as well'

Om smiled at that making Rudra look at him stupidly "What?"

"Nothing, from hating Annika for no reason you grew up to justify all her actions" he said, proud of Rudra.

Rudra shrugged "I just realized O" he then took a pause "I now prefer to judge her for her actions then her words."

"And in the college trip I met Soumya again."

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