110. Liquid Luck Part 2

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It was safe to say, at this moment in time, Harry and I were not talking. And this time it was Hermione and Ron switching who they were with. And don't worry, I too find that kinda funny. 

But they had told me that after what happened to Draco, Ginny had taken Harry to get rid of the book. And I think thats the best thing to probably come out of all this. Draco was fine from what I had heard. I didn't particularly want to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Hey, Hope," Hermione called from her bed as she casually flipped through a book.

"Yes," I had my eyes closed as I laid on my bed. I wasn't necessarily napping, just didn't feel like doing anything but laying down. 

"What does it feel like to lose your virginity?"

I immediately sat up as I turned to look at her with wide eyes. I feel like there should be a disclaimer right about now. 

Yes, let's put one here.

We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast of teens saving the world to show you teens talking about disasters. 

"Why are you asking?" I blinked a couple of times at her. "Are you planning to-"

"No, no," Hermione shook her head as she placed her book to the side. "I was just curious, you never talked about it. And you know, one day, I plan on losing mine. So I just thought, you could tell me what it's like."

"Okay let's get one thing straight first," I swung my legs over my bed so we were basically sat looking at one another. "You know all those romance novels and smutty things you have read about or seen on TV?"

"Yes," Hermione nodded her head.

"Okay, throw those right out the window," I told her. "Those are all absolute bullshit."

"All of them?" She asked.

"99.9% I would say," I laughed a bit. "Losing your virginity, it fucking sucks. And not in that 'giving away a piece of you' crap. It hurts."

"Well I heard there were some discomforts," Hermione pulled a face of discomfort. 

"No, thats a lie we girls tell one another so that we can feel cool," I said. "And guys try to act like they know what the pain feels like, but they don't."

"Then what does it feel like?" Hermione asked. 

"Well during, and probably leading into the day after, everything in your nether regions are going to like your muscles down there ran a marathon," I said. "And then when it is going on, you're probably going to bleed. And even though you know that might happen, it still feels weird when it happens to you. You're not going to have a single bloody clue on what to with his dick, because once again, even if you have read about what to do, when that thing stares at you, it's bloody intimidating. And not to mention, you will not cum on your first time. Or probably the next couple of times you try it either. Penetration cum is very hard to do, especially if you're having sex with someone inexperienced."

Hermione looked as if she was taking in a load of information all at once, which to be fair, is how you feel when you're losing your virginity. "What- I mean, so... you didn't... you know..."

"Cum?" I asked as she nodded her head. "No, took George 3 months to figure out how to do that with me."

"So, why do it at all?" She asked. "Why even bother if it doesn't sound good at all."

"Because, even though all that pain, if you have the right person, it feels special," I smiled. "It's one of those things you just can't describe so we just slap the label of love on it. George made it feel special, even though the pain, I could push that away for a second just being with him like that. I mean, we had been talking about it, and he knows I'm a simple girl who still likes to feel special. So, he made a whole date out of it. Took me up to the Astronomy tower, had a packed picnic under the stairs, and even made a little bed for us. And he made the whole thing feel... right. And not because of the romantic cheesy way he planed it. It was because he planned something special for me because he knew I had never done it before."

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