69. The Pink Lady

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I'm not even kidding you, it took me 30 minutes to wash that gunk out of my hair. I only had a train sink for fuck sakes.

After the oh so fun train ride- where I just wanted to be with my boyfriend and not in an awkward compartment- we meet up with Ron and Hermione at the platform. We were some of the last people there as Hermione and Ron had to help a lost first year. Well, more like Hermione, while Ron asked what food we thought they would be surviving. Still questioning why he became a Prefect, because same.

"I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter," I rolled my eyes as Draco and his goons walked past us. "You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."

Harry lunged at Draco, but Ron quickly pulled him back. Draco took a giant step back as he did so. Typical. All bite no bark.

"What'd I tell you? Complete nutter," Draco whispered to his friends as they walked faster away from us.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry yelled at them.

"It's only Malfoy," Ron released Harry's arms. "What do you expect?"

"A swift kick in his arse would be nice," I suggested as we continued our walk to the carriages.

We walked down the dark path to were we got our lift to school. I let out a huff as we watched the last carriage take off. I hoped another came soon as it was starting to get cold.

"Hi, guys," Neville was still holding his plant in his arms as he approached us.

"Hi, Neville," We all said while I switched places with Hermione. I was not about to go through that pain again.

It was during this time in switching places that I heard a carriage pull up behind us. I turned around to look at it as a black skeleton like horse stood at the front. That was weird, I'd never seen one of these creatures pulling it before.

"What is it?" I asked my friends.

"What's what?" Ron looked around as if he didn't see the most obvious thing standing in front of him.

"That?" Harry asked as he blinked a couple of times. "What is that, pulling the carriage?"

"Nothing is pulling the carriage. It's pulling its self like always," Hermione told us.

I walked next to Harry as we kept our eyes on the creature. Maybe we were hallucinating it. But the odds that we were hallucinating the same thing was low. Maybe it was the plant that was making us both see this.

"You're not going mad," I snapped my head back up to see the same Ravenclaw girl from the train sitting in the carriage already. An upsidedown magazine in her hands. "I can see them, too. You're just as sane as I am."

Would it be mean to say that's not comforting at all? Probably should just keep that thought to myself.

I sat down next to Ron as the more awkward silence crept in.

"Everyone this is Loony Love-" Hermione cut herself off as her eyes widened a bit. "Luna Lovegood."

Oh I knew Loony! Well, I never met her before, but I have heard about her. Makes a lot of sense now. Apparently, the girl lived in her own little world of strange things. Her dad wrote his own newspaper called The Quibbler. Which I was told to be some sort of wizarding Conspiracy thing. Guess everyone had to have one of those. And although Loony was a terrible nickname to give someone, I did have to admit that it fit her well.

"What an interesting necklace," Hermione tried to save herself.

"It's a charm actually," Luna placed with her necklace in her hands as I gave it a good look. Were those wine corks? "Keeps away the Nargles." I'm sorry, what now? "Hungry. I hope there's pudding."

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