102. Dinner time

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"I hate her!" I yelled out as I slammed our dorm room closed. Hermione jumped a bit on her bed as she placed her book down and looked over at me. I was just glad none of the other girls were in here. "I mean who does she think she is?! She just shows up, per Dumebdlore's request by the way, then tests me. Test me in something that traumatized me no less!"

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"Liv," I rolled my eyes as I went over to my side of the room, picking up my joggers and an old band tee. "That meeting with Dumbeldore, yeah she was there."

"Why?" Hermione stood up from her bed as she walked over to me.

"No clue," I threw my free arm up. "Wasn't there to help me for the past, what, 6 years since this all started. And she wants to just show up now?"

"Hold on, backtrack, why was she there?" Hermione asked.

"Because Dumbledore wanted her to be there to question me after what I saw," I told her.

"I thought you said you saw nothing," Hermione raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well I lied to get Harry off my back," I told her as I went over to the bathroom to change, shutting the door behind me.

"Hope, what did you see?" Hermione asked through the door.

"Nothing big," I told her as I pulled off my shirt.

"It's not anything small if Dumbledore and Liv both wanted to talk to you," I felt her roll her eyes at me, through a door no-less.

"Well nothing big I didn't already know," I rephrased as I pulled my joggers up my legs and threw my shirt on.

"Well, what is it then?" Hermione asked.

I pulled the door open with a sigh, "I can't tell you."

"And why is that?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at me.

"It's top-secret," I walked passed her as I threw my clothes onto my trunk.

"Hope... I feel as if your lying to me about something," Hermione spoke softly as I turned around to see a sad look on her face. "We... we can't lie to each other during these times."

"Hermione, I would never lie to you," I told her. "I'm telling you the truth, I can not tell you about any of this stuff right now. I'm trying to keep multiple people safe at once, and its a really hard thing for me to do, but you have to trust me. Trust me, the less you know the safer you are."

Hermione let out a sigh as she nodded her head, "Fine, but if you faint in a hall again, I'm marking straight to Dumbledore and demanding him to tell me whats going on."

"Yes, mother," I giggled at her as she picked up her pillow and threw it at me. "Hey now! Thats a compliment that is."

"No its an indentation to write your mother an apology note for all she has to put up with you," Hermione smirked at me as I let out a dramatic gasp.

"How can you say such a thing when you know my brothers are running around this earth causing mishap?" I asked her as turned around in a dramatic circle.

"Yes, but they aren't fighting Trolls,"

"Or dragons,"

"Or a basilisk,"

"Or pixies,"

"Or teachers,"

"Or merpeople,"

"Or Voldemort," Hermione added as my smiled dropped from my face.

"Well, this was fun, now it's sad," I frowned. "Our lives are sad."

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