25. Immortal

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As the days went on we all kinda chilled out at our house. Elenor and Danielle left us when we left London so they could go spend the Holidays with their families. The older boys where tired form all they had been doing this year and the younger boys were just tired in general- because apparently, they do so much now. I found out they didn't actually leave school- because mum would kill them if they tried- however they did transfer to online so they could still do music and get there GCSD's. 

Right now we were just chilling around the house. It was Christmas night now as the sun went down and mum and dad decided it was time for bed as Louis once again woke us up at 7 am. I don't get that boy, he refuses to wake up before noon on most days but this one day of the year he wants us all up bright and early. Anyway's, we got our presents and we had our Christmas roast. 

I was just chilling in the kitchen with Luke now as I sat on the barstool and he stood across from me. We were eating grapes and just talking about what the past few months had been like for us. Like I said before, me and Luke have this special bond as the youngest siblings. So we naturally tell each other everything.  

"A Troll? Really?" He asked me 

"Yep," I said plopping another grape into my mouth "Nearly killed us. Some idiots let it in on Holloween"

"Who do you think it was?" Luke asked 

"My friend Harry thinks it was our Potions teacher," I told him with a shrug "And you would think it too by the way he dresses. All black, looks like a vampire, and is an asshole to us"

"Well, that doesn't mean it was him," Luke said shaking his head "Rember Eddie Heart?"

"Yeah wasn't he like the student body present or something in your year?" I asked kinda remembering him.

"Thats the one," Luke told me "Well there was a fire back in September at the school and everybody thought it was this kid named Stanly, because he just looked like the kind of kid to do that. But they found out it was Eddie who did it because he owed his drug dealer some money and used the fire as a diversion to take the winter formal money"

"Thats crazy," I told him "What happened to him?"

"He's in jail now," Luke said "Reason number 376 why we left that crazy school"

"How's the online thing going now?" I asked 

"Well since Cal, Mike, and me are in the same grade we just copy each other. And Ash's already got his GCSD, so he doesn't have to do anymore," Luke said with a shrug "So, other than Trolls, three-headed dogs, and vampire teachers; How's school going?"

"Good," I said with a shrug, "I think my favorite class is Charms, because we get to use the most magic in that class. My least would be History of Magic, because our teacher is such a boring ghost"

"I don't know if you are being metaphorical or literal with that," Luke said eating another grape

"Literal," I said rolling my eyes "Professor Bins apparently died one day and didn't realize it, so he just got up and went to class and has been teaching ever since. But he talks so slow most of the time and the other half he's asleep"

"That is a boring Ghost," Luke said nodding his head 

"He really is," I said taking another grape.

We heard some talking coming from the hall until Louis and Zayn rounded the corner with wide eyes. My eyes too went wide as I saw what was in their hands.

"Are those cigarettes?!" I asked them 

"Shh!" Louis told me "Keep your voice down"

"Those are bad for you Lou" I told him 

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