71. Mirror

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"Repeat it, Hope," The man looked fuzzy, I couldn't really see his face. But I did feel the small shake he gave to my shoulders."You must remember what I say."

"My name is Hope Stylinson," I mumbled out as I looked up at him. "And I got lost from my brother at the playground."

"Good girl," I heard him say. "Now go, Hope. And remember only what I have told you."

My eyes opened up as the sun hit my face. I blinked a couple of times before I sat up, pushing my hair out of my face. Was that a dream? Or did it really happen? I was 9 in that dream, and the only way I knew that was by the bracelets I had on my writs. I wore them all summer that year because my brothers did. But the only thing I can remember from that summer was my brothers being grounded over the whole phone thing. That I may be the reason behind, but more to the point, they weren't allowed out of the house. And I wasn't allowed to go off on my own. So it must have been something my mind made up.

"Hope," Hermione walked over at me as she gave me a worried look. "You alright?"

"Yeah," I pushed my blankets off my bed as I stretched a bit. "Just a weird dream."

"Alright," Hermione nodded her head before her eyes looked in on my hand. "I suppose I'll have less luck with you."

I looked down at my hand as I looked at were the bandages were wrapped around it. I was going to have to change it soon as some blood was starting to come through. "I'm fine, it's nothing."

"It's not nothing, its cruel punishment," Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. "You need to talk to a teacher about this."

"And what are they going to do?" I pushed myself off of my bed as I went to grab my clothes for the day. "Nothing, thats what."

"You never know until you speak up," Hermione heald up my tie in her hands. "You keep leaving it on my side."

"Yes, well, it's closer to the door," I took it from her as I walked over to the bathroom. "Trust me, Hermione, if something was going terribly wrong, I would say something. One bad thing I can handle."

I shut the door behind me as I placed my things on the sink. My hair looked terrible, I needed to give it a good washing. But I didn't have much time before classes today to do that. I pushed it up into my normal messy bun. And not that cute shit girls pretend are messy buns, but actually take hours making it look nice. No, I'm talking a proper messy bun, frizz coming out at all angels like a rat was nesting inside of it.


I snapped my eyes to look into the mirror as a black-cloaked figure stood standing next to me. I turned around, but she wasn't there. Just in the mirror.

"W-what do you want?" I asked in a low voice.


And then she was gone. Like a feather in the wind.

"Patience for what?" I asked, well my self at this point.

"Hope," Hermione knocked on the door. "You alright in there?"

"Yeah... I just...," I looked around for any sort of help. "I just need patience with my hair is all. Giving me a hard time today."

"You want me to do a spell on it to help?" Hermione asked.

"No, it's alright for now," I called back to her. "Thanks, though."

Patience. I repeated in my head. Well, thats not something I was ever good at. Let alone for things I wasn't aware of. This wasn't something I was used to doing, I was used to seeing things faster than others. I didn't want to wait. But I guess I had to as she was the only one who knew anything.

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