15. Boy's

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Louis POV

It was early in the morning, maybe 8, when I was awoken by an ear-splitting screech. 

"What the hell was that" Zayn mumbled from his bed 

"Just ignore it," I said putting the pillow over my head "Niall probably saw a spider again"

Another screech came through the house before our bedroom door was pushed open 

"Louis! Zayn!" Hope yelled out 

"What," Zayn said with a groan 

"I'm leaving today you idiots!" Hope yelled running over and jumping on top of me causing me to let out a huff of air 

"Hope" I whined, "We don't have to leave for another hour, what are you doing?"

She tightened her grip around my waist as she spoke "I'm leaving and not going to be able to see you guys for a solid 4 months! Why are you not freaking out Lou!"

"Because you will be fine," I said rolling my eyes "And it gives us a break from your everyday drama"

She slapped me before getting up and running to Zayn, jumping on him.

"Zayn Louis being mean to me!" She yelled in his arms 

"I know, he's a shit older brother," Zayn said patting her back 

"Excuse me for not waking up in a pool of tears," I said rolling my eyes 

I looked over to the door as Niall made his was in looking tired and pissed 

"Can you guys keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep," He told me

"Niall!" Hope yelled running out of Zayn's bed and jumping on him. Niall almost went down from the force she was hitting him with. "You're going to miss me right?"

"Hope I thought we talked about this last night when you came crying to me and Liam in the middle of the night," Niall said with a sigh 

Hope pulled away with a shocked face "So your not going to miss me?"

"Thats not what I-"

"Harry! Ashton!" Hope yelled running out of our room "Louis, Zayn and Niall are being mean to me!"

"When did I become mean?" Zayn asked looking confused 

"When you didn't promise to write every day to her" Niall said rolling his eyes "Nearly beat the shit out of Liam for that last night"

"I sware this school isn't going to be able to deal with her" Zayn said with a laugh 

"Yeah just think about how many people she will annoy," Niall told us 

I sat there for a second to think. We were about to send our baby sister to this school... and shool filled with kids her own age and older... a school filled with...

"BOYS!" I yelled out sitting up so fast 

"What?" Niall and Zayn asked 

"Not you boys," I said rolling my eyes and getting out of bed "Hope's school is going to have boys in it! And we aren't going to be there!"

"Shit!" Zayn yelled as he jumped out of bed as well. The three of us ran down the hall and into Harry and Ashton's room.

"And they didn't say they would miss me!" Hope complained as she hugged Harry. Ashton looked over at us for some kind of help when he noticed us in here.

"I assure you, you will be missed Hope," Harry said with a sigh until he caught our eyes "Look! They missed you so much they are here now!"

Hope looked up at us with a smile "Really?"

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