134. Old Me

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"That's it?" The young man in front of me lowered the pages down. "Thats how you're ending your story?"

"Listen here," I shifted a bit in my seat. "Yes."

"But... but your missing so much in here," His eyes kept flicking from me back to the pages. "I mean Mrs. Stylinson- Weasley, don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to work with a woman as brilliant as you. But your life was way more interesting than this."

"What do you want to know then?" I asked him.

"So much," He shook his head. "I mean what about when you were 13 a fought a pap and almost ended up in jail? What about when you were 15 and almost crashed a car? And then once the war was over, when you had your list of people to track down? And your five-year hunt of Alexander Huffman? That was the most reported thing in history! What about your music career? And your only album you released that managed to top the charts for three months. What about the reunion tour your brothers had last year? And the fact that Niall blew his hip out on stage."

"Is that all you want to know?" I raised a brow, folding my hands on my lap.

"No," He bit his lip, looking nervous. "You brushed over your sexual assault, you don't go into details about watching so many people die and the emotions you felt. Your friend Cedric, your father... and even in the past years with your mother and Liam's death. You don't talk about how you healed from that, from the trauma you faced at such a young age."

"I mentioned 'Mione made me go to therapy," I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm 73. This here, this is what I'm ready to show the world about my life. I know there is more to it, and I know there is more people want to know. But if I've learned anything in my life, it's that I don't owe it to people to tell them everything. I came to you to help me publish my story because you are like me. You grew up in the muggle world and got chosen to join the wizarding one as well. I know you know enough about both to understand where I'm coming from. So, take what I give you... and publish it."

"Okay," He said. "I can do it, we can get your book out within the next few months. But you must know, you're going to shake up so many lives with this. You have made a big impact on the world that knows little about you. This book will probably be the best-selling one for years to come. You will make billions off of this."

"I don't want the money," I told him. "I've got all I need. This money will be donated to a list of organizations that I have supported for years."

"It's whatever you want to do with it," He pulled out a piece of paper from his desk before grabbing a pen. Placing it down in front of me. "Just sign here Mrs. Stylinson-Weasley."

I scribbled my signature on the line. Placing the pen down, I picked up my wand before I apparated out of his office. 

I landed in front of our little house by the sea. Pushing the gate open I made my way up our path of yellow daisies. I brushed my hands against them, feeling the soft petals touch my hands. I pushed open our wooden front door, hanging my coat up before I took my shoes off. 

I smiled as I looked over to the front room. George sat there hunched over with his readers on. The Daily Prophet opened up as he looked over the latest story. I just hoped one of our children were not in this issue.

"You know all thats on tablets now," I smirked as I made my way over to him.

"Yes, but I like the feeling of paper on my fingers," George smiled as he folded the paper up. I leaned down as I gave him a peck. "How was your meeting?"

"The book will be published in the next couple of months," I informed him, taking a seat next to him. "Should be fun to see the grandkid's reactions when they read it."

"Oh please tell me you left out the Astronomy tower," George looked at me in horror.

I let out a laughed as I patted his hand. "I did, don't you worry about that. That stays between me and you."

"And Hermione," George rolled his eyes.

"Well, of course, she's my best friend," I said.

"You have lived an interesting life," George moved his arm around my shoulder as I leaned into him. "Who would have thought little Hope would grow up to dominate the world in a bigger way than her brothers."

"I used to think mine would be the most boring of lives," I told him. "That I would be stuck in my brothers' shadow of fame. Turns out, we all thought we were living in the shadow of the other."

"I'm proud of you," George kissed the top of my head. "How did you end the book by the way?"

"They lived a fucked up life with a beautiful ending."



Thank you guys so much! This is such a crazy and weird feeling to be closing out this book and Hope's story. 

Thank you all for commenting and voting!

This wasn't going to be a Harry Potter book, but a good five chapters in I said fuck it and just added it in. And I'm so glad you guys liked it!

I HOPE you all have an amazing day and don't forget to send love to everyone around you in these hard times. 

If you want I have a couple of other stories up on my page you can check out.

<3 E

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